16. Old Friend

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Smut at the beginning of the chapter, read again at the arrow. Also warning for plushie fucking


Mingi's arm was slung over Seonghwa's chest, hugging him close without pressing on his full stomach. The demon effortlessly enveloped Seonghwa, swaddling him in heat until he kicked down his blanket. When he woke, his skin was hot wherever he touched his husband.

A pleased sigh escaped Seonghwa. He was protected in this place, knew his baby safe. Despite spending a while without them, his arms instinctively pressed one of his plushies to his chest in sleep. When he tugged it away to get a look at it, he glimpsed the adorable face of a grey kitten. Fond, he snuggled it under his chin once more.

Mingi was still asleep. His every breath resonated through Seonghwa's back and he had mussed up the pillows with his horns. Some of Seonghwa's hair got stuck in them, and Seonghwa gathered it on his shoulder before he checked on his stomach. His little one was peaceful today.

Seonghwa dozed for a while longer but soon shifted awake once more when Mingi stirred. He grumbled into the perpetual darkness of Seonghwa's room. A moment later, his grip around Seonghwa tightened, and he burrowed his face in Seonghwa's nape. The half-asleep swivel of his hips ground his massive bulge into the smaller elf.

Seonghwa gulped. He rarely felt it that way since Mingi liked to fall apart beneath him. And though Seonghwa's body knew it couldn't keep up with the demon any longer since he was ripe to burst soon, heat made his abdomen flutter. He knew his pregnancy spurred some forbidden cravings in his husbands and he wasn't innocent about enjoying them. But the well-being of his child was his priority.

Lying still and praying it would pass, Seonghwa pinched his eyes shut. Sleep had drifted far away from him, and Mingi seemed to depart from the land of dreams as well. He throbbed against Seonghwa, making the elf bury his blush in his pillows. Helpless fingers clutched to the cat as Mingi ground into him subconsciously, urging a response from Seonghwa's groin.

Enjoying the sleepy morning heat too much to worm away, Seonghwa stifled his little sighs in the pillows. Mingi held him as if Seonghwa were his pillow to rut against and Seonghwa's mind spluttered with that vision.

"Mingi?" Seonghwa whispered, trying to find out how awake his massive demon was. A low groan came in response. Yet he didn't let Seonghwa turn around, clamping his arm around him to rub his bulge against the softness of Seonghwa's behind.

The elf bit his lips when he helplessly pinched his legs together. His heavy length begged for touch, trapped between his legs and his stomach.

Another deep moan transferred from Mingi's chest right into Seonghwa's. The demon glided his nose along Seonghwa's neck, relishing the silk of his hair and its fresh scent. When he opened his mouth to skim his teeth over Seonghwa's sensitive skin, the elf shuddered at the touch of his fangs.

The graze was harmless, ending in a warm kiss on Seonghwa's shoulder. When Mingi curled up, he took Seonghwa along, trapping him in a hellish cocoon of pleasure.

"Hwa," Mingi rumbled, coherent enough now to kiss Seonghwa's cheek. With trembling fingers, Seonghwa reached between them to push down Mingi's pants.

"G-good morning," he whimpered. He spread his thighs so Mingi could rest in between, heated by the elf's legs. Even through their barrier, Mingi's tip aligned with Seonghwa's, making him mewl.

Mingi rocked into him with lazy thrusts, chasing the blissful heat. Seonghwa stifled his drooling and moaning in the cat, chomping down on its soft fur. His hips helplessly arched back into Mingi, used to having something inside that filled the emptiness.

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