44. Freya

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Seonghwa kept in the heart of the group, surrounded on all sides. His husbands formed the inner wall of protection, and the elven troupe completed another circle around them. Everyone had their weapons drawn, cautious in their approach towards the village.

Smoke rose from the open fireplaces. The fort of wood spread out rather than towering into the sky and it was surrounded by a moat filled with sharpened spikes. They pointed outward, warding off any intruder who might infiltrate the empty walkways. Even their smaller villages were closed off. The inner affairs within the orc lands were in constant tension, even without the influence of the empire. Various tribes battled to come out on top and prove their strength towards each other. Their leadership was ever-changing, and those who gathered the most heads earned the most respect. If they wanted to keep safe from attacks, they needed to seal away from their kin.

"Do you wish to approach, Your Majesty?" The head of the troupe ducked behind her shield, watchful of an attack from above. Seonghwa encountered soldiers shot by orkish crossbows before and the injuries from the splintered wood were grisly.

"If they are Kane's accomplices, we will play right into his hands. It's too risky," he replied. "Even if they don't attack us as outsiders, we make easy prey. If we-" He cut himself short at movement near the moat. First, he thought an orc patrol had spotted them and was about to make trouble, but the body winding between the wood was much smaller. An elf, one trapped by the orcs, trying to worm their way out through the spikes. It was a dangerous gamble, and they could easily be spotted in the open field.

With his heart in his throat, Seonghwa watched as the others picked up. The head of the guard hissed.

"Your Majesty-" She began, but Seonghwa was faster, shifting his pregnant body, hidden behind their defences. Since his agility was impaired, he was no good match, but he knew whom to trust.

"Hongjoong, disguise us near those trees. We will wait as Wooyoung gets that person out of there. If the orcs find them, it's their last day on earth."

The gryphon-born's eyes flared with the challenge.

"Count on me."

"If you get discovered, retreat immediately. I don't doubt your skill, but your safety is most important. Even if it agonises us to leave any elves behind, we will resolve the affair with the orcs soon, and then they all can run free." Though that might not save this flighty one, fuelled by the madness to escape. They had to try. Seonghwa had to trust them.

Confident, Wooyoung ruffled his feathers.

"Count on me, Your Majesty. I will bring you a delightful gift."

They tucked into the shade of the trees, hidden under a dome of Hongjoong's magic. While their mounts took a break, Yeosang mingled with the trees. He grew out his crown, filled in the empty spots. Wooyoung perched on him, hidden from sight as his eyes spied into the orc camp.

It was risky to free their prisoners, especially if the order came from Seonghwa personally. The orcs might take it as a declaration of war from the empire. But as he counted on Wooyoung and his instinct, Seonghwa prayed it would work.

After a few minutes, Wooyoung dropped between them on powerful talons.

"I see several elves milling around. Watch the master at work," he grinned. Behind him, San leaned against Yeosang's stem, sword in hand to be ready to swoop in if their gryphon-born got trapped. As Wooyoung spread his wings, Seonghwa caught his arm with a delicate hand. His gaze lingered on the skulls on spikes, on the display of stolen weapons the orcs gathered off their enemies of many races.

"Be careful," he pleaded, leaving a breath of a kiss on Wooyoung's cheek. His eyes conveyed his worry and the blushing gryphon-born cradled his cheek in his hand.

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