13. Snapping at Each Other

363 33 26

Warnings for smut, rough sex, male lactation


A beat passed. The wind rustled in the trees, and a woodpecker built his home in the distance. Seonghwa waited with bated breath. For San to give him another moment to consider, to shrug it off, to scold Seonghwa for being irresponsible.

Instead, however, the seraph's pinky traced over the back of Seonghwa's hand. They stood so close that the movement was miniscule, yet it sent a shiver of exhilaration down Seonghwa's spine. His fingers twitched in response. A moment later, San's warm palm seized them.

"Come," the seraph demanded, a single word. Seonghwa followed when San led him back to the water. He dropped the blanket where they left his clothes properly folded and the breeze was pleasant on his naked skin.

San threaded into the lake once more. His bare feet pushed the reeds aside, now bouncing eerily in the shadows. The moon was a sickle tonight, beautiful as it hung above the clearing. When San sunk into the water, Seonghwa joined his side. Almost shyly, he leaned into the arm San wrapped around him.

The seraph's gaze on him sweltered like the sun, and Seonghwa was scared to burn himself if he glanced at him. Blushing, he cradled his stomach.

San waited for a while and exhaled when Seonghwa stubbornly persisted. A moment later, his nose pressed into the soft spot just below Seonghwa's ear. His hair came to rest on his other shoulder and the elf's bared skin was sensitive to San's breath.

"You drive me mad. How can I be so obsessed with you?" San whispered as if Seonghwa had an answer.

With his lips brushing Seonghwa's skin in kisses at every word, he continued.

"Whenever I make a resolution and wish to protect your dignity and purity, you come barrelling through my walls. Is there no armour to protect my heart from you?"

The elf lifted his hand to cup San's face from below. He caressed him with a doting reverence.

"I, too, think to myself to respect your wishes. Yet we can never keep our hands off for long."

And neither could Seonghwa demand them to stop the pretense. Because it was exhilarating. Each time they crashed, their intensity swept him off his feet.

San's hands dropped to cradle Seonghwa's stomach. He scowled at it without heat.

"Already, you are in my way."

With a chuckle, Seonghwa pulled him in for a kiss.

"The rest of me is all yours," he assured, and that was everything San needed to hear. His lips parted to slip his tongue into Seonghwa's mouth, bringing back the heat that had been simmering under Seonghwa's skin for agitating hours. San was none the better and soon, his hardness strained against Seonghwa's hip once more.

Kissed senseless until his lips tingled and the taste of San was coated through his entire mouth, Seonghwa parted from him to blink his hazy sight at the moon. His dainty hand dropped to run along San's shape through his pants, reinventing his desire for the seraph time and time anew.

Water splashed around San's wings when they engulfed them in their secret spot.

"Relax," San mumbled as he licked a trail of spit from the corner of his mouth. "I will take care of you."

This would only rile them up further. The giving in yet never getting to the end goal. By the time Seonghwa gave birth and San took him properly, he might actually break Seonghwa.

His shiver of delight was irrational and dangerous but so, so stimulating.

San shifted until he sat behind Seonghwa and the elf's yearning hand trailed off his middle. He mourned the heat of that distinct shape, but San preoccupied him. He kissed Seonghwa over his shoulder, wings swathing them in a protective cradle as his hands smoothed up Seonghwa's sides. Seonghwa's moan stifled in the heat of San's mouth. Their tongues tangled, debauching the untouchable crown prince.

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