54. New Alliances

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After an evening spent cuddling with his loves in the conversation pit and giggling over Aodhán's and Morana's nonsensical babbles, Seonghwa awoke to the day of his duties refreshed. He made sure his babies were fed and safe playing with the maids, peeled the bandages from his healed arm and dressed up how he liked to do when he wasn't crumbling at the seams. With his hair in an elegant updo that left some strands to whisper around his face like enticing promises, and clad in one of his stunning silken dresses, Seonghwa strolled down the corridor. The castle announced him, hailed him with its ethereal choirs. He turned heads left and right as his servants and other guests of the castle marvelled at the serene emperor's beauty.

Seonghwa's father awaited him in the strategy room. A platter of food filled a corner of the table, whereas the rest was laid out with maps to brood over. He had gathered all the letters back and forth with the orcs as evidence, as well as the scriptures of the report about the ambush. When Seonghwa ducked inside, cast in the shine of the stars and without such needless weight as his imperial crown, the man beamed.

"Good morning, son. It's good to see you regained your strength." His eyes skimmed the healthy glow of Seonghwa's skin, the effortless grace of his body under his garments. No ailments prevailed.

"It's all thanks to your support. Thank you for taking care of the court in my absence." Seonghwa owed his folk an explanation. How their mission could fail and why he didn't bring the captured elves with him. They had yet to learn about Morana and though they were asked to stay inside their homes and practise caution, they couldn't fathom how close to death their emperor came.

They sat down together and Seonghwa ate breakfast on the side while his father caught him up. Finally, their minds were clear to unravel the situation.

"No word about an orkish movement reached the Crystal Sphere yet. I informed the rulers of the other countries to stay on the highest alert and keep their weapons poised in case of an attack. So far, no orcs were sighted near the borders, but our people are on lockdown."

"Did any new letters arrive that prove our suspicion they seek battle?"

Seonghwa's father shook his head and reached the most recent one over, the one agreeing to the political meeting. They skimmed the lines once more, but no hidden depths carried in the orcs' message. They made their way in and taunted the emperor by seizing the elves. Then, when he came after them, they prepared an ambush.

"Since they couldn't capture you and you killed many of their people, we believe they are out for vengeance. They have no reason to stall since they have been eyeing the empire for a long time."

Kane had fallen in battle. Perhaps the loss of a chieftain meant a change of objectives, though Seonghwa doubted the new warrior stepping up harboured a different mindset. Tense, he eyed the map. The orcs had little interest in battling the golems or the dryads bordering their lands. The next kingdom nearby was the Cavern of Nightfall, but it was near impenetrable and the orcs regarded the demons as honourable opponents. Naturally, the first place they would attack was the shining core of the empire, the Crystal Sphere.

"They dug through the earth to catch us off guard. I doubt that the dryads or the golems would miss such an intrusion to the earth they are connected to, but contact their elders either way."

The scribe in the corner hastened to whip out two letters. Once the lines were written, Seonghwa signed them. Closed with the royal seal, they got sent out via message birds. Seonghwa counted on the golems to actually read the message. At least they had been cautioned about the predicament already.

"The elves they captured so recently are easy prey for blackmail. We might get stabbed in the back by our own if they fear what might happen otherwise. Even if there is no saving them now," the sun elf grumbled. He had a report about their identities in front of him, but Seonghwa could barely glance at it. His guilt weighed like a boulder in his stomach.

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