37. Visit of the Orcs

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By summer, Seonghwa knew something was growing inside of him again. He was as surprised as his midwives, unexpectedly fertile compared to others of celestial lineage. They giggled it had to be his magical love for his husbands, but it was a rare record.

He felt the core of another little being develop, but no magic pulled at his gut this time. Since it wasn't a crucial hint, he didn't tell Hongjoong. Many mage children were born without magic. Only sorcerers had it in their blood. Since everyone was equally excited and curious about the outcome, they left it as a surprise. Finally, Hongjoong and San backed down from visiting Seonghwa every night, constantly switching to attempt more and more to impregnate him. Wooyoung groaned a relieved sigh when he could finally sleep in Seonghwa's bed again after only being visited by him in his nest at late hours for weeks.

As the giddiness of his pregnancy busied Seonghwa in his free time, his progress as the new emperor bore fruit. Soon, the orcs sent their letter of confirmation that they would prefer an open talk over tedious mailing back and forth. With his hand on his swelling stomach, Seonghwa pondered the message and what it meant for security measures.

He gave them enough time. While Seonghwa prepared magical alarm systems with Hongjoong and warned his guards of the brute strength of the orcs, his father relieved him of the matters not pressing to the empire. Everyone eased his stress, though the moon elf was graceful and elegant, handling every sudden event with the poise he practised all his life.

By the time the orcs paid their visit, Seonghwa's belly was heavy with child. The swell of it peered from the slit of his dress that went down his middle. His little one wasn't too eager to kick and move around as Aodhán had been, but they reacted to Seonghwa's voice as he stood on the balcony to overlook the procession in the distance and sang to his stomach. A delicate hand caressed the rising distress from inside that came with the tension of Seonghwa's soul. They were in tune enough that the celestial streak in the child was strong.

Soft steps crossed the floor behind Seonghwa. His sorcerer's aura announced itself, then his soothing magic engulfed Seonghwa, alleviating his aches. When warm arms joined in to hug Seonghwa from behind, the elf sighed, lashes fluttering. For a moment, he allowed his head to rest on Hongjoong's shoulder. Ever so inquisitive, the mage splayed his hands over Seonghwa's stomach, keeping the surprise for himself and the rest as he got acquainted.

"You look gorgeous in this dress," Hongjoong muttered, pressing a kiss to Seonghwa's neck as his fingers cradled the pale of his stomach and the cascading blue fabric. It was mostly sheer and adorned by elegant silver chains crossing over Seonghwa's chest and hugging his hips. The fabric thickened where it needed to, yet proudly showed off his pregnant body.

"San gifted it to me," Seonghwa hummed. The seraph had ducked his head when he handed it over, so sorry for destroying the other one. Seonghwa rewarded him with a kiss and a chuckle that he forgave him.

With a sound of approval, Hongjoong glanced down into the lush forests. The procession of orcs was accompanied by two dryads and a troupe of elves that guided them safely through their lands. Though the towering, bulky bodies of the orcs were a threatening sight, they didn't attack the elves. Gradually, they neared the Crystal Palace.

"All spells are in place, hidden from their dull senses. We are ready whenever you are," Hongjoong announced as their visitors crossed the meadows between the castle and the forest. Seonghwa pulled away to assume the seat on his throne. For a meeting of such a grand political scale, he met them as the Moon Emperor.

Seungyoun brought his crown on a pillow and it adorned Seonghwa's head as he sunk into the cushions of the Crystal Throne. He had to shuffle around and use a footstool to accommodate his stomach, but he was fine after Wooyoung tucked another pillow under his back. With a smile at him, Seonghwa settled. Around him, on the platform laid out with cushions, waited his husbands. They didn't need to bear weapons, meant to witness the new potential alliance as diplomats speaking for their countries. Yet, San was tense without his sword on his side. Only Hongjoong lounged on the pillows without tension.

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