28. The Coronation

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The day of the coronation that seemed so far in the distance and beyond hurdles of preparations suddenly appeared. From one day to the other, everything that needed to be done was done.

Seonghwa lost all sense of time in those few moons. When he received the letter from his father that he expected him for the coronation at the Crystal Castle, tears welled in Seonghwa's eyes. Instantly, everyone around the table sprung to their feet to fuss over him, but he waved them away with a wobbly smile.

"I'm fine. These are happy tears. We are finally ready for the crown."

Although none of them felt so. So many days spent practising speeches and dances and manners, but now that the day came, their minds were wiped blank. Seonghwa, becoming emperor, was an unheard possibility all of a sudden.

Still, Seonghwa marched to the beat of his destiny. He piled his husbands into three carriages and took the last one with Aodhán. Knights accompanied their parade from the Moon Castle to the Crystal Palace, and music alerted everyone of the merry news. Soon, people lined the roads to wave at Seonghwa and wish him their best. Fairies danced, women threw flowers for their blessings, and nature bustled in its most vibrant colours. The scent of moonflowers filled the air to his honour and only amethyst and white blossoms bloomed all day.

Seonghwa waved at everyone, so thankful for their support, yet so overwhelmed with the remaining duties of this day. He prayed everything was in place and nothing would fail now.

His father greeted him in the courtyard, that was royally decorated in Seonghwa's colours. Elven guards in polished armour lined the reflecting walls of the rainbow castle. The emperor shone like a sun when he helped Seonghwa out of his carriage. Aodhán was handed to a maid by their side and accompanied his every step.

Seonghwa had to part with his husbands here. They had different roles to play than him and he would greet them properly only after the ceremony was over. But when he spun to them to give them assurance, they waved him away with confident smiles.

"We'll take care of each other, just go," Yunho grinned, so proud of their prince.

Hongjoong leaned against the carriage with crossed arms.

"Become the emperor already," he demanded.

More tears heated Seonghwa's eyes when he laughed at them. Truly, they came so far. They weren't his bumbling diplomats anymore. They were the harem of the new emperor.

"Thank you, everyone. See you later," he smiled so brightly his shine reflected off the smooth walls. He followed his father inside to get suited up.

Everyone was gathered. The rulers of the other kingdoms, every important minister, scribes, visitors beyond their borders, and even some foreign personalities who wished to witness the rise of the new leader. The entrances were heavily guarded, but the folk got to wait outside, eager to witness the chimes of the bells that would announce his position.

A dozen maids flitted around Seonghwa. They helped him into his ceremonial gown, heavy with all its adornments, brushed his hair, fed him, and recited his speeches alongside him. Seonghwa's head was left bare apart from his complicated updo with dangling pearls of silver and purple. They cascaded over his graceful neck that was wrapped in a choker of diamonds; a royal treasure. Its dash of colour was customised to him. The diamonds sparkled like stars in the night sky among his deep amethysts, hand-picked from the most profitable mines and filed to perfection.

His gown was a celestial white. It had long, flaring sleeves, heavy with veils and embroidery and lace. Its bodice hugged his narrow body, cradled each bone with reverence to cascade into spectacular skirts. They dragged behind him, making every step heavy, and they were bedazzled with silver and gems worth a castle.

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