2. Promise of Twosomeness

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"I have a favour to ask, father," Seonghwa addressed the topic he anticipated for right from the beginning. He and his husbands conferred it a while back and all preparations were met from their side. The only thing they needed was the security of time. For the grandeur of the occasion, Seonghwa invited everyone to a family dinner to put the cards on the table.

"Anything," the emperor replied, glancing up from his golden chalice. Ever since he lost Yongguk, he was deeply devoted to Seonghwa. One might even say indebted to him, since Seonghwa resolved the war with the dryads when his father was too overwhelmed to finalise his call.

But Seonghwa would never abuse a favour granted in a predicament. He adored his father, and he learned how to rule for this very purpose. So, one day, he may make all his decisions as the emperor of these lands.

Everyone looked at Seonghwa expectantly when he revealed their plans. Mingi still blushed whenever the topic came up and Wooyoung needed an entire day of sulking with Mulberry when it first got determined. But they agreed as a group and Seonghwa was confident in the growth of his husbands and their relationship with him.

"Mother asked me so often how I would produce an heir. We mulled the topic and came to an agreement."

Seonghwa's mother pressed her hand to her chest, skin so white it seemed translucent. Her soft gasp brought a smile back to Seonghwa's grave features.

"My starlight," she whispered, tears quelling in her eyes at rapid speed. Seonghwa's smile softened impossibly further. Before he could stand to soothe her, his father wrapped an arm around her. They mirrored each other's anticipation.

"What do you think wisest?" The emperor asked, respectful of Seonghwa's judgment.

Seonghwa glanced at his round, at his devoted husbands. Warmth filled his chest to fan out around his entire body like a butterfly's glittering wings. Each of their faces, so lovely to him.

"I would like to bear my heir myself. The child shall be a descendant of the stars and this marriage."

With a delighted sob, Seonghwa's mother buried her face in his father's neck. He caressed her shoulder with a delicate thumb, but his proud smile never wavered. Finally, he could share the giddiness of Seonghwa's excited husbands.

"We couldn't hope for happier news, son. A child from your diplomats whom you dearly love will be a splendour. Your precious bloodline will live on and you will be just as good a parent as you will be a ruler," he praised. Seonghwa's parents attended his relationship with his champions since the first day of the arrangement. Each of them developed much more than they ever anticipated, including Seonghwa. Their relationship was not merely political. Though convenient, their child would be born of love.

"Come here, my darling. You're all grown up now," his mother cried, and Seonghwa gladly joined her side. He knelt to wipe her tears and accepted her shaky embrace.

"You brought me up to be the one I am," he muttered, full of affection. "I am ready to take the next step."

He wouldn't have been ready a year ago. Before he knew them, before he gifted them his soul, his everything. But with his husbands by his side, he could rule the empire.

"What is the favour you need?" Eager to please, his father met Seonghwa's eyes across the skinny back of his mother. He held her with delicate hands.

"I wish for you to remain in your seat until my child is born and settled into this world. Maintain the throne with your wisdom so I may concentrate on bearing a healthy heir. Then I will fulfil your wish and prove myself to the crown."

Recognising the wise call to climb the throne with an heir by his side to know the child's position safe, his father nodded. Gradually, the woman's sobs ceased, and she leaned back to cradle Seonghwa's face in dainty hands. She kissed his cheeks full of reverence, so proud of what she created.

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