19. Meeting Aodhán

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Another hour later and Seonghwa made it through the entire process of delivery. His aches were tended to, he was clean, and swaddled in his blankets on his comfortable bed. The peaceful tranquillity of his room engulfed him with fresh scents of soaps and flowers as the nurses carried his son behind him. His bunch of overwhelmed husbands gradually melted from their trance, asking him if he needed anything.

But Seonghwa only wanted one thing. When he stretched out his arms, the healer hurried over with the bundle of curiosity. The little one had yet to open his eyes, but already his delicate face was twisted in displeasure. Tufts of hair curled around his tall ears. The blanket Yunho's mother had gifted him was soft around his frame.

He was so light in Seonghwa's exhausted grip. Awed, Seonghwa cradled him against his chest, relieved of all lingering pains as he laid eyes on his son.

He came after Seonghwa, undoubtedly. His pointed ears carried nothing human about them, and his bones were frail. The softness of his cheeks was like that of peaches when Seonghwa cooed at him. Upon leaning their foreheads together, his soul reached out to his exhausted baby, making sure he was doing well. He found lots of bewilderment about what was going on and why his magic was dulled, but he gladly crawled into the embrace of the one who had carried him.

An uncoordinated limb flailed, hitting Seonghwa rather than reaching for him.

"He's so small," Yeosang muttered in awe. He sat on his haunches by the side of Seonghwa's bed, watching with big eyes how the baby spluttered in displeasure. Behind him, Jongho peered over Yeosang's crown that grew without him noticing.

"To think our lovely prince was just as small once," Hongjoong chuckled. He leaned against the headboard with a fond smile, addicted to the glow on Seonghwa's skin.

Seonghwa tickled under his baby's chin. He was the loveliest creature, the sweetest of all. Seonghwa wanted to gift him the world and protect him from all evil.

"Open your eyes for us, will you? Look at the world," he whispered. Everyone else stayed patient, left it to him to greet his child first. Though he could tell that Mingi was dying of curiosity to find out about Seonghwa's wellbeing and his child.

After another displeased rumble, the baby complied. He blinked sluggish eyes open, tempted by the lure of Seonghwa's magic. Lethargic eyes glanced left and right and clamped shut again to get used to the sensation of sight.

Cooing, Seonghwa ran his fingers through the hair so light it was almost white. Their baby had Yunho's lips, but the same big round eyes as Seonghwa. For a mere moment, Seonghwa caught the flash of a honeyed colour. It was darker than Hongjoong's, but bright enough to provide the evidence his underdeveloped core only hinted at until now.

"He's a sun elf," he announced with a smile. Such a shining, brilliant child he would be.

"What's his name?" San asked, gentle with the reminder that they met now. Already, Seonghwa knew who his son's favourite uncle would be. The most shining of all; the one to show him the warmth of the sun.

"Aodhán," Seonghwa greeted him as he cradled him in a tender hug. "My fiery one."

The baby opened his eyes once more, as if pleased with the sound of his name from Seonghwa's lips. When he studied the moon elf with no sense of what to think of him, Seonghwa glanced up at Yunho. As if they brought a wax replica of him, he stood frozen in his spot.

"Do you want to hold him?" Seonghwa suggested. Though they would tend to Aodhán as a collective family, it was important for their bond.

Yunho's warrior hands never looked so clumsy before.

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