55. Preening their Wings

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Wooyoung was out and about, hopping around on one stubborn talon. Unfortunately, that meant more slipping accidents on the sleek quartz of Seonghwa's castle, but Mingi took it upon himself to stick around and make sure their chick didn't split his skull open. Whenever the shrieks of Wooyoung's claws were followed by a sound of alarm, the demon reached out a helping hand.

Seonghwa spotted the two when he made his way down into the gardens. It was evening here as well and the skies blushed in a faint orange hue. Jongho marvelled up at the first stars while San just finished his training. His sweaty shirt stuck to his body as he wiped his face with a cloth. Unfortunately, the wound on his wing didn't deter him from keeping the rest of his body in shape. Not that Seonghwa didn't find him irresistible like this, but he would prefer if San took it slow.

Since everyone was accounted for aside from Hongjoong, Seonghwa glanced around for his sorcerer. He offered to inform the Spire of Magic of the recent happenings with the orcs. Since he was the one in charge either way, he also called the shots on whether the mages would service the empire as guards or elsewhere. Was he not back yet?

Worried since they were still battered despite the elven healing abilities, Seonghwa distracted himself with the others. When he came to sit in the grass by Yeosang's side, the dryad grew his crown to rain down on the elf with charming dangling flower tendrils. Seonghwa leaned into his shoulder. Together, they watched Jongho play with his pebble and Buddy, sparking inspiration about funny new shapes for the dog to play with. Learning, the pebble sat on the ground and lifted her head at them. It was the largest part of her irregular proportions, but the magic fuelling her had developed enough to glimmer in the pits she made for eyes.

For a while, no words were needed. Yunho jumped around and laughed with Buddy, hair messy yet he was beautiful like the forest fae. Wooyoung preened his wings after his thigh ultimately gave up on him and San left to wash up at the well near the kitchens. The gryphon-born peered left and right to make sure no one was left to scold him, then he eagerly shuffled over to sit in front of Seonghwa.

"Please preen my wings for me," he asked with sparkling eyes. Seonghwa settled gentle fingertips on the bed of feathers.

"How do I do that?" Curious to learn, he skimmed his fingers through the angular feathers. They were sturdier than San's, less dewy. While San's wings reminisced the softest of pillows, Wooyoung's were that of a bird of prey. Seonghwa's greatest joy was tracing the smoky grey where it specked with white, matching Mulberry's appearance.

"You card your fingers through them and layer the feathers in the direction they grow in case they got twisted. If some dirt is stuck in between, you dig it out," Wooyoung guided. He angled his left wing to show Seonghwa how. He and San had different methods to care for their wings, but they were similarly meticulous. San usually preferred the help of a brush since he had thrice as much work to do. It was a special one he brought from the Vault of Heaven, with soft hair that wouldn't damage his sensitive wings.

Seonghwa skimmed his fingers over the strong roots of Wooyoung's feathers. Each was majestic, even the cute small ones at the top. When he worked into them, Wooyoung leaned back against his legs, happy with the elf's touch.

Yeosang plucked a flower off his arm to tuck behind Wooyoung's ear. The gryphon-born didn't notice.

Busy with his task, Seonghwa didn't keep an eye on Yunho. He heard the human's breathlessness when he tired quicker than Buddy and Jongho. While he sat on the ground heaving through his happy snickers, Jongho made them laugh with increasingly absurd shapes. Buddy still wormed through.

San joined them a few minutes later. Seonghwa glanced up when the seraph eyed him tending to Wooyoung's wings. He didn't comment as he sat in the grass to check on his injury. Ever so speedy to get to his room, he had changed his clothes already and his loose outfit rustled in the evening breeze. Soon, another spring would come. Most snow already cleared from the Crystal Sphere and Seonghwa could feel it in the earth, its enthusiasm to sprout new life and shake off the frosty film.

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