32. Second Round

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Aodhán was growing up well. By winter, he was worming around and trying to crawl on his hands on knees. He was eager to go places to explore the castle, and a determination to find out every secret burnt in his eyes at so young. Hongjoong joked he should become a scout, but Yunho cooed he grew up with the same curiosity the dogs taught him.

Seonghwa dutifully watched his heir's progress. The scribes documented every milestone and whenever his parents were around; they broke out in coos about the little one. His magic stabilised thanks to his training and the necklace and soon, he only left for the Spire of Magic with Hongjoong twice a week. It was convenient timing for the mage to check on the status of the spire without needing to be there all the time. Occasionally, he fretted about the novices so much he wanted to spend weeks attending their training. On those days, Seonghwa pulled him aside and made him sit at their replica of the dragon fountain.

"They have their mentors and books. You arranged everything, so not every burden lasts on your shoulders. Trust their progress," Seonghwa told him with a soothing hand on his back. Though his voice was laced with empathy as he, too, fretted about his empire all the time, he needed to serve that reminder to Hongjoong.

The mage complied and things got easier. In return, he accompanied Seonghwa to a village recently attacked by goblins to provide food to the suffering inhabitants. The Magus Maximus had a deep respect for Seonghwa's gathered grace towards his grateful people, but he knew what lay behind the facade. They were most similar in that way.

Soon, Seonghwa settled into his duties as an emperor, and Aodhán focused on his development. Winter provided the moon elf with strength and soon, he rolled in bed at night, so energetic, so eager for something he couldn't pinpoint right away. He felt lonely, but it wasn't because his husbands were far. Instead, he wanted more of that closeness, wanted more fruit of their love. Whenever he sat with them and Aodhán and watched them cheer on the baby to get him to crawl, a sweet tug echoed in Seonghwa's soul.

He was sure of it; he wanted another child. He wanted Aodhán to grow up with someone by his side just like Seonghwa did, and he wanted to give everyone an equal chance to father offspring.

For a while, Seonghwa pondered how to do that. Trifling with spells again could lead to another unpredicted situation, especially when Hongjoong was part of the race. But on the other hand, he didn't want to send them into a joust to win his favour.

Seonghwa forged his plans, and soon he settled on the fairest method. He prepared for it, got distracted with letters from his father, and then the celebrations for a rare moon. By the time he had everything scheduled, Hongjoong just returned from the spire with Aodhán. Seonghwa met him in the corridor where the mage stood arrogant and imposing with his arm cradled around Seonghwa's child. He handed the sleeping boy over to the nurse to take him to his room when Seonghwa stepped from his room in his fluttering dark blue playsuit.

"Welcome back," he sang at his husband and Hongjoong threw him a grin. He flicked his cane to be on its way into his room as he stepped in for a kiss. His hands settled on Seonghwa's narrow waist, feeling its temperature through the airy fabric.

"Aodhán is back safe and sound and not hungry for once," Hongjoong hummed against Seonghwa's lips, leaving a soft kiss before they pulled apart.

"Perfect," Seonghwa smiled. Even Aodhán's stars seemed to bless his sneaking plans. "Will you join me in my room? I have something I want to discuss."

Hongjoong's flawless brow lifted.

"Just us two?"

A coy hand trailed down his chest as Seonghwa giggled.

"Not just us two. But you won't miss out on this," he promised.

"I'm intrigued. Join me whenever you are ready," Hongjoong replied. He lifted Seonghwa's hand to his lips in a kiss and marched ahead to relax with the wine Seonghwa prepared in the middle of the conversation pit. Charmed by his trust, the elf went on his way to gather the others.

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