57. Path of the Stars

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"Ugh," Yunho made when they stepped out onto the roof. Even in winter, Hongjoong's magical dragon fountain splashed away, coated by a rim of snow and ice. The frigid wind whipped at their cloaks and bit at Seonghwa's ears. He hugged Morana tighter to his chest as they hurried to cross the bridge between the towers. Though they agreed to take this route to look out over the snowy landscape, Yunho's cheeks reddened so fast that he tried to disappear in his coat. Aodhán was a squirming bundle against his chest, as fragile to the cold as his father.

Mingi hastened behind Seonghwa. He didn't complain about the temperatures, but his breath was white from the dark of his lips.

They made it inside quickly, not halting to gasp up into the tumbling snow. Yunho shook his shoulders once the door shut behind them.

"Awful idea," he snickered.

"Yeosang and Jongho have a point with the indoor garden," Mingi winced. He ducked his head so Seonghwa could dust the clinging snow from his hair.

"The idea came from San's people. Not that Jongho can freeze, but his body can crack. Yeosang dies like any other tree," Seonghwa explained. He warned them they would get cold if they didn't go up to the astronomer's tower through the grand halls, but Yunho insisted on showing Aodhán the sights. Maybe from a window, next time.

"I'm glad they found a way. Though I like winters, they are treacherous if one has to spend them outside." Yunho shuddered at the memory of the orc lands almost consuming them, the cold and harsh snowy landscape that offered little relief to Seonghwa.

Together, they climbed the stairs. Mingi wasn't shy about sharing his opinions in their company. As he climbed the irregular steps behind Seonghwa, Aodhán huffed and puffed, where he insisted on walking himself instead of catching a ride on Yunho's shoulders. The demon's rumbling voice as he reminisced about the ashy rains in the Cavern of Nightfall echoed in the cold stairwell.

They made it up to the Astronomer's tower after Yunho picked an utterly depleted Aodhán back up. When they entered, Seonghwa's astronomer greeted them with a grin.

"Your Majesty, I expected you," he invited them in. He beckoned into his lair and Seonghwa felt for Mingi's hand to lead him between the cluttered desks.

"The orc tribes demanded my immediate attention. While we anticipate the news, I needed to inquire about the future of my children," Seonghwa announced. The astronomer didn't comment on the snow clinging to them, or Yunho's cold ears, but he nodded in glee that his emperor had fun with his husbands.

"Recent years haven't been kind to you, Your Majesty. You chose wisely to come here early."

"Not that there is any doubt about their roles," Yunho snickered, as he put Aodhán back on his feet. Already, he carried himself with the determination and seeking of a leader. He always stormed ahead, never shy to address strangers. Morana, on the other hand, preferred to tuck away into the darkness of Seonghwa's blankets. Though she was younger, there were only two years between them. She shared none of the interests of her brother and she tugged on her growing hair until Seonghwa cut it for her. Now, the dark curls engulfed her white tuft.

Truly, the decision needed no stars, but Seonghwa wanted it to be official so he could announce Aodhán as his heir. As the boy tugged Yunho along so he could rush ahead and explore his new surroundings, Morana buried her face in Seonghwa's neck.

"She's shy like you," Seonghwa noted fondly as they followed the astronomer to his balcony. It was sheltered from the harshest winds, but the clear night air was crisp on their coats. When Morana stretched her arms for Mingi, Seonghwa readily handed her over. The demon's large hands cradled his darkspawn, ever so awed by her fragile yet strong body.

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