33. Competition for the Win

330 31 16

Smut chapter!


"In that case, we will see ourselves out," Yeosang said after a beat of awkward silence. Already, San looked about to lunge to rip the clothes off Seonghwa's body.

Jongho rose next to Yeosang and picked up his pebble to put her in her basket with a careful palm. At Yunho's order, Buddy accompanied the golem. When San rose as well, Seonghwa curiously tilted his head. The angel gave him a blinding smile, but the depths of his eyes were ablaze with an undying hunger.

"Impregnating someone is a sacred act. I do not wish to be in company while doing so, so I will happily forfeit this first chance and hope your body will still be receptive to me once we have some privacy," San said with an elegant bow of his head. Helpless, Seonghwa sat up.

"I can come to you right after. Or I visit each of you on their own, yes..." But then how would they figure out their order? When it was so clear that Hongjoong would try so hard?

"Don't overexert yourself. You will be happy no matter the outcome and everyone here cares for you deeply. I will await my time, so rest after today's ordeal and see me whenever you wish," San chuckled. He stepped from the pit, majestic in the broadness of his shoulders and wings. On light feet, he crossed the room and left first. Seonghwa looked after him until the door closed behind the others.

Though he lingered, Seonghwa didn't forget about the others. Hongjoong was quick to brush the matter off.

"He lost none of that arrogance," the sorcerer scoffed. "His loss. Come here, Damiana. Let us make you feel good."

Yunho and Wooyoung stuck around, always ready for some fun. Although Yunho's ears were red by the time Seonghwa joined their midst. Invisible hands carried their wine chalices where no one would bump into them.

Wooyoung cosied up to Seonghwa's side, lips pouty.

"Do you need to prepare? We can help."

Endeared by his care, even when this part of Seonghwa didn't concern him, Seonghwa ran his fingers through Wooyoung's hair. They curled into the overgrown strands to pull his head back, baring Wooyoung's tan throat to him.

"I'm ready for you," Seonghwa muttered as he kissed his sweet gryphon-born. As he melted into Seonghwa's chest, Yunho naturally dawdled by Mingi's side, ready to help him. Hongjoong scooted up behind Seonghwa.

"Tell us if we get too overzealous, Damiana. Even when I restrict my magic, I want you so much," the sorcerer hummed. He mouthed at Seonghwa's nape under the elegant twist of his bun. The elf sighed, body pushing into Hongjoong's hands on him. As his tongue coiled around Wooyoung's and made him pant, Seonghwa focused on relaxing his body. It was ready for another child, and the heat translated into the tickle of wetness inside.

Seonghwa left himself to them when they crowded around him. Wooyoung succumbed so easily, sprawling out in the pillows for Seonghwa to kiss and cherish. The gryphon-born was naked first and he squirmed into the cold fingertips trailing down his quivering flanks. Yunho positioned Mingi by Seonghwa's side to kiss as his huge hand found Wooyoung's arousal, which was by no means diminutive, but so meagre compared to the two towering men.

"You're such a cute one. Whenever you are involved, your noises make it all the more fun."

"More so when he is muffled and shut up," Hongjoong said, fingers pressing to Seonghwa's entrance through the thin silk of his dress. Wetness seeped through the fabric, making the sorcerer groan.

Seonghwa lay on his side, making space for Hongjoong's hands to wander under his dress as he eased Mingi's pants down. The demon was shy, afraid to fail now that the additional demand of making a baby lasted on his shoulders. Seonghwa purred at him that there was no need to feel pressured. If he changed his mind, he could do the same as usual and stay in comfort.

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