5. Dreams of the Future

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In the morning, the bed had sunken to the ground and candles lit the perpetual midnight of Seonghwa's realm. Seonghwa felt refreshed as he rolled onto his stomach, all aches and stains swept away by Hongjoong's magic. The sole urge that remained was an overwhelming hunger.

When he lifted his head from the pillows, Seonghwa found the round table by their side filled with an abundance of fruit, creams, chocolate, and pastries. Hongjoong must have checked in on them and provided everything necessary before he left for the Spire of Magic. Seonghwa smiled at his care as he sat up and braided his hair into a loose braid. Unashamed of his bare body, he stretched under the moonlight, feeling as if reborn.

A silken robe and one made of cotton rested over the chairs. Seonghwa grabbed the silken one and slipped it on before he scooted to Yunho's side. The human slept like Jongho would, completely dead to the world. He rested on his chest and one hand dangled over the side of the bed. With a chuckle, Seonghwa took it. His delicate fingertips traced the callouses and scars from the years of wielding weapons. His warriors insisted on cultivating their skill even now and could often be found in the gardens sparring with each other. Though Seonghwa would like to promise them safety no matter what, they took his protection to the heart.

"Wake up, love. Aren't you hungry?"

Yunho stirred with a grumble, voice sore from all their noises last night. His brows knitted in displeasure, then sluggish eyes batted open to find Seonghwa. He groaned, burying his face in his pillow.

A giggle fell from Seonghwa's lips. He ran his affectionate hand through Yunho's chaotic hair, visibly not as well tended to as his own. Hongjoong merely whisked over the human as if with a feather duster.

"How can you be so stunning after all that?" Yunho said, muffled by the pillows. After a glance down at his modest getup and simple braid, Seonghwa smiled.

"It seems my beauty never ends in your eyes." When Seonghwa slipped from the bed to sit by the table instead, Yunho got up with an artificial sigh of suffering. He joined Seonghwa by the table, his robe sluggishly thrown over his shoulders with no effort to tie it properly. His hungry fingers replenished the strength he lost. Gleeful to have breakfast just with him, Seonghwa nibbled away on the fruits.

After a while, Yunho was coherent enough to clear his throat. His eyes kept getting stuck on the graceful line of Seonghwa's neck, that was dotted with pink marks.

"How are you feeling?"

Seonghwa put a contemplative hand on his abdomen. He wouldn't know if something changed this soon, but he liked to think new life was already sprouting. A smile danced over his lips.

"Magnificent. I liked it lots."

Relieved, Yunho exhaled. His ears were pink when he picked up another blackberry.

"That's a relief... I would hate myself eternally if I hurt you."

"You didn't," Seonghwa crooned, so endeared by his cautious human. Though delicate, elves were sturdy. Seonghwa could endure much more than Yunho assumed.

They finished breakfast, and their break, before they returned to their usual bustling day. Yunho was too shy to address the topic further, even when curiosity burned in his eyes. Still, he made sure Seonghwa spoke the truth and watched him like a hawk as they made their way back inside. When the elf strode with his usual grace and his chin held high, Yunho was satisfied. Though the husbands knew, nothing hinted at the adventure of last night.

They found San in the foyer, where he waited for someone. He had his sword leaned against his shoulder and looked up when he spotted the two from the corner of his eyes. His eyes slid down their scantily dressed bodies, the direction they came from. When Seonghwa beamed at him before he had to ask, the tension in his shoulders smoothed out.

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