27. Tumbling Together

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smut chapter!


Quick to undress, Seonghwa didn't think about his letters again as he joined the two to kiss Mingi deeply while their fingers joined to push the toy into Wooyoung's twitching entrance.

With a mumbled keen, Wooyoung evaporated into the sheets. His arms twitched, fingers digging into the fabric below, but he held out for them so well. Drops of white leaked from him to soil the sheets. He was sensitive to the clicks of Seonghwa's and Mingi's lips on each other, whining when he craved the same for himself. For a moment, Seonghwa indulged, sucked on Mingi's hot tongue swiping over his lips. His head only knew the bliss of his demon.

When they parted, Seonghwa left it to Mingi to match the needy pace of Wooyoung's hips. The elf sunk to lie next to his gryphon-born, caressing his face. His fingertip traced the rim of the blindfold before it settled on a quivering lip. Through a gasp, Wooyoung pressed a trembling kiss to his skin.

"My precious one," Seonghwa cooed at him and Wooyoung whimpered in response. At first, he didn't react when he was kissed, too caught up in the press of the length inside him. After a moment, his plush lips melted into Seonghwa's , nipping playfully. He was ever so overzealous, eager to explore everything Seonghwa bared to him. As the elf swallowed his moans, he watched Wooyoung's flinching lids from lidded eyes. A lazy hand carded through his choppy, long hair.

"Y-You're hard," Wooyoung panted as soon as they parted for air. His hand came down to wrap around Seonghwa again, caressing the elf's refined body. In gratitude, Seonghwa pressed a kiss to his nose. He chuckled at a clumsy jerk when Wooyoung stuttered.

"Does it feel good? How Mingi does it for you?" Seonghwa whispered into Wooyoung's hair. He leaned over him, hair tickling his face as Seonghwa's breath caressed his skin. Shuddering, Wooyoung squirmed to be closer to him, to feel the press of Seonghwa's elegant body.

"It's not-" Wooyoung gasped, and some hair caught on his lips. Seonghwa pushed the strands of midnight from his face. "Not enough. I need more, hmm... More," Wooyoung pleaded, not articulate. Charmed, Seonghwa rolled his hips into Wooyoung's fist, giving him a taste of what he could have.

"What do you need?"

"M-more," Wooyoung babbled. Seonghwa acted stupid and the disintegrating gryphon-born forgot his witty intelligence in moments like these. "You- or ahh Mingi, too, I- Give me more," he begged, desperate as if they were taunting him on purpose. Endeared, Seonghwa brushed his hair back to kiss Wooyoung's ear.

"What do you think, Mingi? He's been good, hasn't he?"

Mingi nodded, too focused on the wet squelch his fingers produced to pay attention to their conversation. When Seonghwa glided from his spot like water, Wooyoung whimpered, but he also shook his hips in expectation. He knew he did well, would get rewarded.

Seonghwa nudged Mingi's hands away and grabbed the base of his crystal toy. Hot by his side, Mingi hovered and listened as it squelched from Wooyoung's body. The bulge of him through his pants made Seonghwa's head spin. He quietly told him to find his place at the headboard on the other side of Wooyoung. When the demon crawled off, Wooyoung impatiently pulled him into position.

With a plop, the replica disconnected from Wooyoung's body. It left him pink and gaping, so eager to be filled. While Seonghwa found the oil to make sure he wouldn't hurt his dear husband, Mingi settled with his legs splayed open around Wooyoung's head. The gryphon-born impatiently yanked at his clothes, exploring the lean shape of Mingi's chest while his other hand yanked to free him from his pants. When he was hit in the blind face by the size of Mingi, his lips dropped open.

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