46. Bloodbath

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Blood and gore warning


Seonghwa's hand found the grip of his spear in time to whirl it around.

This was a planned ambush. They had been smelled out, and the orcs embraced violence. Though it had been expected in these lands, Seonghwa still huffed when the orc slammed his blade down on him. The knife was awful and jagged, dangling with feathers around the bone hilt.

Yeosang ducked away, alerting everyone, but the orc before the emperor hadn't come alone. His pack broke through the earth, slashed at those wavering in shock. Freya went down with a coarse yell when the head of the guard leapt over her to cross blades with an orc five times her size.

Seonghwa gritted his teeth when he made eye contact with the one attacking him. The tribal marks were the same as Kane's.

It had been a trap.

Once recognition passed through his gaze, the shimmer in the shrewd orc's eyes brightened.

"You hounded us so far, yet you didn't consider the long way you'd have to retreat if we turned on you, emperor," he smirked. His muscles bulged as he shoved at Seonghwa. By sheer strength alone, they were no match.

With a protective hand on his stomach, Seonghwa backed away.

"You lured us?"

"Your allegiance is your weakness," the orc mocked before he came after him. Seonghwa parried a hit, dull pain throbbing through his wrists at the impact. The trees hindered his freedom of motion and around him, everyone else sunk into chaos as the orcs reaped their lives.

"Such easy prey, the beautiful moon elf. You carry your spawn with such pride, but we will see how much of that is left once we yank the babe from your guts."

Hackles rising, Seonghwa levered the spear, ducking when the blade rushed at his neck. He stabbed the orc's thigh, and he staggered, but Seonghwa also did when the jerk almost had him tumble.

Of all people, it was Mingi, who appeared behind the slowed orc. His eyes were wide in fear as he fumbled between the trees, overwhelmed by all the noises of terror and death. He didn't know where to hide, and dread surged in Seonghwa when he spotted his familiar frame.

"Mingi!" He yelled a warning, making the orc swish around to parry a hit from behind. He cowered into an attacking position when he spotted the tall demon and his lack of caution gave Seonghwa enough time to thrust his spear forward with a desperate hit. The blade lodged between the ribs of the creature, spilling green blood over the elegant silver adornments. The orc huffed, not killed so easily, but Jongho heeded Seonghwa's call. He came marching with an orc female dangling from his back, hacking and stabbing at him, but her blade only dulled on his impenetrable body. He packed the orc by his head with two stony fists and the rock grew and grew until it enclosed his skull. The fiend tried to shove him off, but there was no stopping Jongho. With an awful crunch and a squelch, he popped the head in his hands, tightening his hold until there was no space left.

The orc's body slumped and Jongho stepped back, face blank at the mess. An elven guard freed him of his burden.

"Your Majesty!" The soldier called as he helped Mingi to his feet. "The troop is decimated! We need to flee!"

Hurried, Seonghwa looked around. Most elves had fallen under the vicious blades and Yunho battled an orc side by side with the head of the guard. Freya sobbed, curled up between Yeosang's mighty roots as he whipped long, thick branches at anyone coming near.

Hongjoong tried to keep most orcs out and away but his might waned and he had to resort to his scythe to dawn death upon the female cornering him.

Even yet, more orcs than allies flooded the camp. And the nearby forts sent more, making the earth rumble in their digging and crawling.

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