31. Doused in Red

302 32 27

Smut warning!


"Tell me how this works," Jongho said. He perched on the pillows, as elven in shape as he could manage after studying the others in long detail. Even the ears he made were pointed as he figured this shape was most comfortable for Seonghwa to work with. With his palms on his thighs, he sat in expectation.

Seonghwa chuckled at his grave readiness. He retrieved the box with his crystals and slid to Jongho into the pit.

"You must have heard about how our coupling works and what parts we usually do it with. Did you remember the details of what you watched?" He opened as he placed the box on the table. Though he couldn't kiss Jongho to warm them up the way he usually sparked desire, Seonghwa was happy putting on a show for Jongho to understand.

"You are all males. That's why you focus on that part," Jongho replied, pointing one chunky finger at Seonghwa's crotch. With a snicker, Seonghwa slipped his dress down his shoulders and had it pool into a puddle. He knelt, bare for Jongho to study.

"Indeed. This is the part that goes inside. But if it were to enter you, it would get injured since you are made of solid rock, and you don't experience the pleasant friction. I'd recommend we do it the other way and you enter me instead."

Jongho stared at his fingers, then at his crotch, smooth as a statue.

"I'm afraid I will hurt you still," he deadpanned. With a soothing hum, Seonghwa retrieved one of his replicas from his box.

"The ones I use when I am by myself are made of crystal. You can reshape your own crystals, or you can borrow this one to fuse with." He offered it to Jongho, and the golem considered it. His body rumbled and rippled as he distorted, ruined his perfect shape as he changed. He was broad even now and his weight could crush Seonghwa.

It took him a moment and a lot of fiddling to smoothen the surface the way Seonghwa described it to him. Then he shifted his new body part between his legs, peeking at Seonghwa to copy. Soon, he throned proudly with a faint pink quartz length.

"I understand now! Look at me, almost a man," he boasted. Seonghwa put his replica down, fascinated with the one Jongho made for him.

"I see my dearest golem. But indeed, this works. Some are longer, some a thicker, they come in all different shapes and sizes." To demonstrate, Seonghwa showed him his collection. He doubted Jongho was comfortable imitating any specific race's special traits, so his was smooth and rounded.

Seonghwa opened the jar of oil while Jongho tested out various sizes, wondering what suited him best. When Seonghwa braced a hand on his shoulder, purple flames glanced up at him. Dainty jewellery dangled from Seonghwa's neck and wrists.

"I produce little slick, so I use a cream to ease the glide. Give me a moment," he whispered. Despite the scientific approach of his golem, this situation aroused him. Seeing Jongho prepare what to enter him with filled Seonghwa's length with blood and he sighed when he sunk a finger into himself.

"Does it feel good?"

"Hmm, it does. There, and at the front. That's what Yeosang meant with you missing out."

Jongho frowned to himself as he watched Seonghwa's face relax in pleasure. He lifted his arm and a moment later, cold silk touched Seonghwa's sensitive length. He whimpered, flinching at the stimulation of the fabric to his tip.

Jongho made up for the bumps in his stony hand that he couldn't smooth out by covering it with the silk. With careful tugs, he smoothed it over Seonghwa's length and his eye flames brightened when they studied Seonghwa's blissed expression. His inner brows rose, mouth dropping open around an approving moan as he carefully rocked into the silken grip of his dress.

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