41. Stabbed in the Back

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Unfortunately, Yunho's ears weren't permanent. As much as Seonghwa adored them and as quickly as Yunho got used to the extra attention they earned him, they were gone by the next day. Though Seonghwa ruffled his hair, confessing how glad he was that Yunho didn't need to bear them any longer, the tall human pouted. He wouldn't mind their reappearance in the future.

They got dressed and checked on Aodhán, readying everything for their departure back to the Moon Castle. Seonghwa had work to catch up on and now that Yunho recovered, they would return to their haven in the west.

Refreshed and with shining eyes, the two left the room. Wooyoung, Hongjoong and Jongho were at breakfast, the rest slept in or were busy with morning training. When Seonghwa and Yunho joined them in their cosy glow, Wooyoung threw them a knowing wink.

"No ears," Hongjoong noted, then he corrected himself. "Or rather, a regular amount of ears. No need to panic again."

Soothed, Yunho lowered the hands that had just been about to twitch up to his skull.

"He recovered as you promised," Seonghwa smiled as he sunk into his seat, immediately aided by Wooyoung leaning over the table and knocking down an apple, Hongjoong's invisible hands, and Yunho's speed to adjust his pillow. Once everyone settled, Seonghwa got to eating, replenishing his strength.

Yeosang, San and Mingi joined them after a while, completing the round. Everyone rested well and promised Seonghwa to be ready to depart by noon. Yeosang was excited to return and tend to the gardens. He and Seonghwa had a new project for a flower field underway.

Breakfast just ended and San pushed his chair to the table so everyone could disperse when the doors burst open. A courier hurried inside, followed by two guards trying to catch him.

Hongjoong slid into place before Seonghwa immediately, one hand lifted in a warning.

"What's the commotion?!" He demanded to know. Pants and gasps from the elf's reddened cheeks were his response.

"Urgent matters, Your Majesty," he heaved without an apology for his intrusion. Worried, Seonghwa emerged from the crowd of his apprehensive husbands.

"What is it? Someone pass this man some water," he called towards the servants and they jerked from their staring to comply. The elf sunk into an empty seat and guzzled from the cup handed to him. Some drops spilt over his chin, but he didn't bother to wipe them before he fumbled for his bag.

"I was told to bring this message to you in person, fast as the wind. Here," he heaved, handing Seonghwa a rolled-up parchment. Worried, Seonghwa untied the hastily wrapped leather binding.

Dreadful news from the western borders! The delegation of orcs that has recently visited the castle murdered its guards and kidnapped several young elves from a nearby village. All nearby stationed patrols are pursuing their flight, but we need reinforcements as fast as possible! Inform the emperor!

Seonghwa clasped a hand over his mouth, stifling his shock. Hongjoong plucked the note from his hands to read it for the others and a moment later, the room broke out in roars.

"How dare they?!" Yunho called, already beckoning Buddy to come so they could set out.

"Damn orc brood," Hongjoong cursed. He looked at Seonghwa. "You should stay here. It's dangerous to send you through a portal and a battlefield is no place for a pregnant person. We can go."

Seonghwa shook his head as he marched ahead, leading them out of the room.

"This is a political emergency. They abused our favour and lied about considering an alliance. I must address such mockery."

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