20. Taking a Rest

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Seonghwa's parents were ecstatic to meet their grandchild. When they arrived, Seonghwa was still in bed, advised for two days of rest by his healer and the midwives. Though healthy and eager to spend time with his husbands, the prince complied he needed to take it slow. Instead, he relished the quality time together with Aodhán. The little one was lively and curious to investigate the world. So far, he didn't make it beyond the borders of Seonghwa's room, but every minute, he learned something new. He liked Seonghwa's plushies, curling up to them as if they were his playmates. For his well-being, Seungyoun brought a small sun crystal to keep nearby. Aodhán's core was pleased whenever he touched its golden warmth.

The stars, the lands, everyone living in the castle, there was so much to show him. While Seonghwa waited to shake off his restraints, he told Aodhán about everything. About the gardens and the swing, the fairies, and the festivities for his birth that the Crystal Sphere was preparing.

His husbands dropped by diligently. They assured themselves of Seonghwa's condition, kissed and praised him, or simply stood in awe as he cradled his child. They were inseparable, even when Hongjoong had to check Aodhán's magic and made the baby squirm during the unpleasant process.

The day Seonghwa's parents arrived, Jongho sat beside Seonghwa's bed in marvel. He surveyed silently as Aodhán suckled on his chest, fingers clutching to Seonghwa's skin as if afraid they might get separated. Seonghwa ran mild fingers over his hair and ears, soul singing at the sight of his offspring. He shifted the silk of his dress aside so his hungry mouth had better access when someone knocked on the door.

Jongho looked up reluctantly from the first child he got to meet. His fascination was never-ending, and he was adamant about watching this tiny being grow into an adult. When Yeosang chuckled at him it would take some time, Jongho got comfortable. Enjoying his company and the sparks of colour that conveyed his thoughts through his crystals, Seonghwa gladly allowed him.

"Your Highness? His Imperial Majesty and Royal Concubine arrived," Seungyoun announced from outside.

Seonghwa glimpsed at Aodhán, by far not done with his slobbering meal. When he lifted his voice, Jongho scooted to the corner to make space.

"They may enter."

Seungyoun opened the doors with a deep bow. He stayed down as the emperor passed him, steps grand as he rushed for Seonghwa's chambers. Seonghwa's mother sped along while their servant handed their gifts to Seungyoun.

"My beloved star," Seonghwa's mother sobbed with glistening eyes as she sunk to his side. The emperor stayed behind her, smiling full of pride.

Seonghwa shared their giddiness.

"Aodhán, look who it is. Your dear grandparents," he cooed, bouncing the baby in his arms until his head turned. With wet lips and his ears too large for his head, Aodhán studied the two newcomers in bafflement. He was clad in a yellow cotton garment, and Yunho's baby blanket kept him cosily swaddled.

Seonghwa's mother was unabashed about her tears of joy when she held out her hands. Trusting, Seonghwa handed over his child for them to get acquainted.

"He's still Yunho's, isn't he? He takes after you so much," his father commented as Seonghwa wiped the residue wetness off his chest and sorted his garments into place. Fond, he watched how his mother leaned her forehead to Aodhán's, illustrating why the link of her soul felt familiar to him.

"He is. Expectedly, my genes surpassed his. He also has magic."

"He does?" Surprised, his father came closer to shake a tiny fist. They felt its thrum under that supple skin. The power eager to find an outlet.

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