15. Devotion

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Hongjoong led Seonghwa by his hand. They exited the bathroom together, freshly washed and smelling of Seonghwa's soaps that were artfully crafted by hand. Wet curls cascaded over his shoulders and touched upon the innocent white dress that cradled the fullness of his stomach.

By his side, Hongjoong glowed in pride since Seonghwa looked so refreshed and shone in his very own hue. Everyone's gazes were drawn to him like moths to light, and Yeosang smiled in glee when the earlier apprehension had fallen off their moon.

San sprang up from the pit to join Seonghwa's other side. Together, they walked him over to help him sink into the pillows. The servants had spread out a large platter atop the table and filled it with food. Everyone had gathered around and got cosy. Mingi wore his loose, wide clothing and Wooyoung was curled up into his side, living lavishly as he snatched some grapes.

The rest had waited for Seonghwa to join.

"Excuse my tardiness," Seonghwa crooned. Day upon day, he was delighted to eat with them. They were ever so chivalrous, treated him as if they were courting him. Since Seonghwa never got to experience such romantic plays, he was flattered by their efforts.

Although he believed they were overly protective of his current condition. Though he hurt occasionally, he was mighty. They witnessed it once.

"We could wait for you for aeons," Jongho replied, meaning it, but its smoothness made Seonghwa shy. He giggled as he sat with them.

Fruit and hearty dishes piled between them on the table. The cooks paid prudent attention to Seonghwa's nutrition intake, yet met his cravings for his favourite foods. When his mouth watered at the sight, he beckoned at the others to go ahead.

"I couldn't wait for aeons. I would die," Yunho responded, just as realistic about it. He lifted a thin blanket around Seonghwa's shoulders, tucking it to his frame so his wet hair wouldn't invite a chill.

Endeared once more, Seonghwa caressed his hand in gratitude before he reached for the baked potatoes. Before his spine had to bend even an inch, nine different hands shot out to provide it for him. Hongjoong with his helping shadows was the fastest, and he smirked triumphantly at Wooyoung's huff.

Yeosang cut Mingi's meat for him. The demon waited patiently with his hands in his lap and his face directed at the clinking sounds on his plate. His hair fell softly into his forehead today, curling around his horns, and Seonghwa couldn't wait to run his fingers through it.

"How are you feeling? Yeosang told us what happened in the gardens." San addressed Seonghwa. Stern worry wrinkled up his forehead. Even when Seonghwa's suffering was intangible and even natural to this process, he felt responsible for any hardship he couldn't save Seonghwa from.

"Hongjoong soothed the little one. He is fast asleep now."

San nodded, but his concern had yet to wash away. It stubbornly clung to him and it would continue to cling until they weren't using Seonghwa's body as an incubator anymore.

Yunho threw a strict glance at Seonghwa's stomach as well.

"If he continues like this, he will get in trouble with us all the time. We will need to call him The Heartless Prince or something like that."

"I'm also heartless," Jongho threw in, educated. Mingi perked up.

"I have two hearts!"

While everyone discussed the number of hearts around the table, Seonghwa fondly dug into his meal. He had a healthy appetite, glad the human half of his child didn't demand him to eat meat. Seonghwa never ate it, thought the idea repulsive. If his son needed it, he best waited until he could chew it himself.

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