40. Zeal

256 28 2

Smut warning! Pet play, pregnancy kink


Seonghwa was intrigued by the change in Yunho's demeanour. Though subtle, the magic coursing through his veins intensified the part of him eager to serve and worship Seonghwa. With time, they got more accustomed to each other, but Seonghwa was as if taken back to an autumn years ago when Yunho cradled his feet in his large palms, looking up at Seonghwa with those eyes that pleaded the permission he long since had.

Charmed, since he was left with a choice where other husbands would just take, Seonghwa cupped Yunho's jaw in his hand.

"Will you take good care of me? You have to be prudent not to damage your reward, right?" Seonghwa crooned, lips tugging into a smile when Yunho's lashes fluttered and he crowded his body closer. Seonghwa's feet pressed to his chest, making Yunho shudder at the icy touch.

"Never," Yunho babbled. "I would never hurt you. I'll treasure you, my greatest good."

"Then be mindful of my belly, hm? We don't want to disturb the little one."

At Yunho's enthusiastic nod, Seonghwa parted his thighs, allowing him closer. Appreciative hands trailed up his legs, lifting them to peek from the water under the pale light of the moon reflecting off the colourful walls. Seonghwa sighed when Yunho kissed the droplets of water from his smooth skin, hand threading into his hair. A twitch of those ears was his response, and Yunho's tail wagged when he rejoiced at the pleasure Seonghwa felt. Trusting, Seonghwa leaned his head back, letting his eyes flutter shut as those lips warmed his skin. His thighs were sensitive, twitching with the delicate caress. The water supported him and eased the weight on his spine when Yunho slid his hands to Seonghwa's hips, elevating him so his shoulders rested against the edge of the palace's spectacular pool.

Another sigh left Seonghwa's lips when Yunho nosed along his length, bringing it to life with tender licks and kisses. Water pooled in the dips of Seonghwa's crotch, tickling playfully. When he heard the wag of Yunho's tail slow, Seonghwa craned his head to look at him.

With big doe eyes, Yunho peered up at him. His movement between Seonghwa's legs was meticulous, partly obscured by Seonghwa's stomach. He waited for more praise.

"You're doing well," Seonghwa purred, scratching behind the furry ear on top of Yunho's head. His legs rested on Yunho's shoulders comfortably and the tall human crowded closer, stirring up the water below with the splashing tail.

Yunho teased his fingers against Seonghwa's entrance, hidden by the plush flesh he liked to squish and play with. With Seonghwa's swelling arousal pressed against his cheek, his innocence was irresistible.

"Go ahead," Seonghwa chuckled, catching the question brim on his red lips.

"Could you... I know I can't do anything to intensify your current situation, but maybe... could we use your other entrance? The- the one we made Aodhán with? I'm obsessed with seeing you pregnant. Want to fill you up over and over again to never feel empty," Yunho panted against the crook of Seonghwa's thigh. He left a shuddering kiss there, so innocent despite his want.

Seonghwa twitched against him, body betraying his thoughts. His chuckle was throaty.

"My dear Yunho wants to breed me full? Even when I am already with child?" He asked, slender fingers rubbing at the sensitive spot behind Yunho's human ears. The imagination alone had him groan against the base of Seonghwa's hardness, lips trailing wetly.

"Yes. Want to feel that part of you. Want to give you all my children," he babbled without a sense left in that pretty head.

Seonghwa pretended to think as his leg tugged Yunho closer. Immediately, he latched onto Seonghwa's tip with his hot mouth, dutifully sucking at it to convince Seonghwa. His deceptive ears perked in attention as he awaited the desired clearance.

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