38. First Steps

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"Send in the folk waiting for audiences outside. I will tend to them while I'm here," Seonghwa asked Seungyoun once he settled down on his chair after a brief talk with his father and a break for some drinks. His husbands mingled about. Wooyoung stood with crossed arms and a frown at the far right wall while Yunho and Yeosang talked to him. San found a seat at the window looking outside, watching the orcs retreat. Buddy stood by his side, watching along without knowing what he was looking at.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Seungyoun said as he ducked outside. Seonghwa rested his eyes for a moment while Hongjoong slinked up to his side.

"You can take a break, you know? Let me know if you need anything." His velvety voice offered by Seonghwa's ear. A fond touch to its tip had Seonghwa open his eyes.

"Check on Aodhán for me, will you? I'd like to hold him close."

Seonghwa's children were not the product of some orc manifesto. They were born from his adoration for his husbands, no less. No orc had a right to make them feel inferior.

"I'll be back," Hongjoong promised. He left through the door, since some servants startled whenever he suddenly appeared through a portal. While he waited, Seonghwa ran his fingers through Mingi's hair. The tall demon still perched on the ground by his side, flanking the right side of the throne where Jongho pondered to its left. He reminisced about what else he knew about the orcs and their relentless brutality towards the elves.

Mingi didn't need to share his thoughts for Seonghwa to know that he, too, was relieved that nothing happened today. An alliance with those who wished to bring agony upon these lands was as bad as remaining as enemies.

The first group of commoners entered the grand crystal hall with nervous feet. They were a bunch of gatherers and seamsters, humble townsfolk whose eyes lit up in awe at the sight of their emperor.

"We came to witness your meeting with the orcs, but they left in discord. Did the summit not go well?" A woman asked, eyes fond on Seonghwa's closeness with Mingi. Their pregnant ruler looked refined to their eyes, attending to his duties despite the tax on his body. Even Seonghwa's apologetic smile honoured him.

"It appears the orcs and us cannot find a common ground for peace yet. Though I will continue my pursuit until no more threat stems from them, it is not yet time to free our lost people. Please have some patience with me."

The woman from earlier had balled her hands into fists, but the older elf behind her hastened to reassure Seonghwa.

"We know you spend all your strength on this. Despite dealing with two children. Don't blame yourself for matters that are bound to take a long time."

"They were cursing at him when they left," the woman said, lips pursed around her outrage. "Saying gross things as if he isn't the most beautiful of us all. With their unsightly visages-" She reeled herself in when the door opened and Hongjoong strode through. He had Aodhán tucked under his arm like a bag, and the baby giggled and flailed about. He was a year old now, and able to crawl to many places to make everyone fret about having lost him. Occasionally, Buddy gave his location away when he sniffed out the babbling baby with his tail wagging.

Hongjoong handed Seonghwa his son. Flat hands patted down on Seonghwa's shoulder as Aodhán tucked to his chest, big eyes curious on the strangers. They noticeably softened at the sight of the family.

Hongjoong retreated to stand by the windows while Seonghwa nuzzled against his child's cheek.

"Our people are most important to me. Others out there miss their children and wives and brothers. Their pain resonates with me, for I was lucky not to lose anyone. Please carry this word onward. I will not rest until our people are safe. Though war is foolish, we will protect those dear to us by any other means."

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