52. Between Fathers

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After sleeping for so long in that cave, Seonghwa stayed up while he recovered in his room. He didn't touch the pile of letters on his desk and didn't bother to ask Seungyoun to catch him up on recent developments. These few hours were solely for him.

Sprawled out on his side with his hair open and in a silken dress so light he barely felt its weight, Seonghwa studied his two babies. Aodhán crawled with confidence, tumbling over pillows and climbing the tangle of the blankets like a mountain range. He was energetic and kept coming back to Seonghwa to sit and stare. The round of his eyes was so adorably like Yunho's that Seonghwa couldn't help his endearment.

Morana slept, finally comfy and warm. She didn't crave Seonghwa's touch, wasn't clingy like Aodhán. With her hands in tiny fists, she slumbered beside Seonghwa, unperturbed by her restless brother. Seonghwa tapped his fingertip on her horns, so endeared by them.

He made that. Him and his precious husbands whom he loved so dearly.

Aodhán packed one of Seonghwa's plushies, shaking it.

"Atha," he babbled, crawling over to show Seonghwa what he found. Fond, Seonghwa nuzzled into him. The plushie mushed between them when Aodhán giggled into the kisses raining upon him.

"I'm here. I won't leave you again," Seonghwa promised. He wanted to douse his children in love and gifts, same as for his husbands. As soon as the most pressing matters were resolved, Seonghwa would travel to the town and pick the most precious memories for them.

Cuddled up against Seonghwa's chest, Aodhán fell silent. He listened to the distant melody of Jongho playing his xylophone, soft in the tunes that travelled through the air. When Aodhán went wriggling again, Seonghwa checked on Morana. Dreams flickered behind her closed lids, making the thin grey skin dance with movement. Its hue reminded Seonghwa of moonstones, so fitting to both the skies and the depths of the earth Mingi was born of. Already, Seonghwa could tell they would suit her best, would decorate her so prettily.

Aodhán rolled on his back when a faint knock pulled Seonghwa from his marvel. He brushed his long hair over his shoulder before he turned his head.

"Enter," he called, not bothering to sit up. He wasn't in pain right now, resting in bliss on his bed soft as clouds. The moon danced on his skin, greeting him with its rejuvenating shine.

Seungyoun peered his head inside.

"Your Majesty, your father wishes to see you. He agrees to wait in case you need more repose, but he is concerned about your well-being."

Seonghwa gathered Aodhán from the edge of the bed before he could tumble down. Sorting his babes around him, he beckoned Seungyoun with an elegant hand.

"Send him in. I may not be an imposing ruler right now, but I can have a conversation."

While Seungyoun conveyed the message to Seonghwa's father, Seonghwa scooted to lean against his headboard. He covered his battered body with his blanket and put Morana next to him while Aodhán had to investigate anew, since the shape of Seonghwa's legs offered unexplored climbing adventures. His round head of blond curls was concentrated on his obstacles. Soul singing with his castle, Seonghwa watched him.

His father entered with a polite tentativeness. It softened his step and the strain in his brow when he laid eyes on Seonghwa and his little family. When Seonghwa smiled shyly, his father copied in relief. He brought the chair from Seonghwa's desk to sit by the side of his bed.

Since Aodhán couldn't join their voyage, the maids and Seonghwa's parents had watched over him. The two sun elves were familiar with each other. Now, the former emperor regarded Morana full of curiosity.

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