39. New Ears

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Aodhán kept some secrets from his family because Seonghwa caught him trying to stand two more times on the same day. He could hold on to furniture to guide himself along and though he always lost his balance after a moment and didn't dare step away from his support, he seemed to have practised in secret while trying to climb out of his crib.

Needless to say, Seonghwa was incredibly proud of him. He sat with him on his bed in the evening, kissing the giggling boy's rosy cheeks as Aodhán tugged on Seonghwa's hair.

"You lovely mischief. Already learned how to fool your father, didn't you?" Seonghwa hummed. Aodhán lost his interest in milk by now, much too curious to try all the other flavours offered to him. He liked when fruit puree was sweet, but he didn't like when it carried the bitter tang of unripeness.

Aodhán babbled, sharing his glee over having tricked Seonghwa over the link of their souls. He was a playful one, even at such a young age. But he preened on being praised.

"Can't believe I got two of you now. Here I was, thinking San would be your favourite uncle," Seonghwa chuckled as he packed the scampering bundle under his blanket. Aodhán was too restless to sleep, but he could easily be caged in with pillows and plushies. They had a long day outside in the town today, so they needed rest before their return to the Moon Castle.

"Go to sleep and have sweet dreams, my precious one." Seonghwa turned on his back, unable to sleep on his stomach since it swelled so much. It wasn't so much in the way yet he had trouble standing up, but his second baby had a healthy development. By mass alone, Seonghwa could tell they would be less elfin. Perhaps they were San's?

Seonghwa just closed his eyes to dream about his family and carry his happiness with him to share with Aodhán, when a door banged outside. If he were anyone else, Seonghwa wouldn't think much of it, just assuming Wooyoung was being rowdy again. But the voices calling over each other had him jerk up in bed. Displeased, Aodhán blinked bleary eyes, rolling toward his father as Seonghwa sat alerted, ears strained and hand poised to yank the dagger from his bag.

But the voices were familiar, and they didn't sound to be arguing about an intruder.

"What the stars is going on out here?!" Yeosang hollered a moment later, casting silence over the messy corridor. Seonghwa sat in wait.

"That buffoon-" Hongjoong started, and a whimper mixed into his muttered curse. Worried, Seonghwa picked up Aodhán and made for the door. He blinked against the light outside, finding most of his husbands gathered in the corridor.

Hongjoong's door stood wide open, showcasing the mess inside. He brought the most important equipment for his spell-casting and brewing along for the trip to the Crystal Palace, but his precious cauldrons were toppled over, the summoning circles ruined. The sorcerer stood with a hand covering his face, bothered over being edgy.

"What happened?" Seonghwa asked, finishing a worried headcount. If Hongjoong accidentally sent Wooyoung into a parallel universe... But no, the gryphon-born stood perplexed and in one piece at the door leading to his room.

"That fool blundered into my table and doused himself in an unfinished potion," Hongjoong groaned. Immediately, Seonghwa crossed the corridor to peer into his room. He heard Buddy's whimpers somewhere and found him seated in a corner next to his tall owner. Yunho cowered into the wall, head in his hands.

"Yunho?" Seonghwa inquired, but only a tormented whine responded to him. Unsure if it was safe, he turned to Hongjoong. "What kind of potion was it?"

"He asked me to make one for Buddy, to slow his ageing since dogs die so quickly. But then he ran into it before it was finished and now-" Hongjoong caught himself, lowering his accusing tone to a bothered groan. "Now he grew ears and a tail for who knows how long. He knocked the rest of my work over only afterwards." Huffing, he went to clean up while Seonghwa's husbands piled in the door with curious eyes. The elf handed his son to Yeosang, who grinned at him encouragingly before he ventured inside. Yunho sat cowered in shame, but he couldn't hide the soft tufts of fur that sprouted from his head and bottom. They had the same colour as Buddy.

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