24. Preparations for the Coronation

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Seonghwa didn't have to mope about Aodhán's mandatory magical training. As he promised, Hongjoong returned with the infant on his arm every day, handing him to Seonghwa to get fed and tended to. Cooing, Seonghwa pampered his little one whenever he could. All the magic and new impressions at the spire wore him out, but Seonghwa was proud when he felt his progress. His magic came into order, dulled its violent outbursts as it found its outlet.

In the meantime - and to distract himself from his constant fretting that Hongjoong might drop his baby and fail for the first time in his life - Seonghwa got busy at the castle. He had countless letters to write and strategies to discuss with their ministry. His coronation was scheduled two moons from now, and the entire empire was involved in such a major affair. Everyone had to be invited, the Crystal Palace had to be refurbished, and records needed to be written. Seonghwa spent most of his time with the astronomer to foresee the future. The rest was him dictating to everyone what to do.

Since he got swept away with duties, his head was elsewhere whenever he ran into his husbands. He tripped over Buddy once and kissed Mingi's cheek fleetingly before he remembered one corridor away that Mingi got insecure about that. When he dashed back to make up for it and kiss the demon's lips, Mingi giggled at him.

"You're adorable when you're occupied," he hummed, large palms resting on Seonghwa's hips. "Take it slow. You're still recovering."

"Elves heal fast," Seonghwa promised before he tapped his finger on the tip of Mingi's nose and went back to his hurrying. So many letters to work through, so much to learn. Seonghwa took lessons on the process of the coronation, where to stand and which speeches to hold, at which time. Then he wrote said speeches, had them proofread, and wrote them again with his father's advice. Everything needed to be flawless.

With the same fondness as his husbands, the moon watched over him. He was blessed by the stars and his folk adored him, but Seonghwa didn't take them for granted. It was his duty to return their loyalty.

One by one, his diplomats visited their countries to match the preparations. They took similar lessons alongside their rulers and prepared coronation gifts. Yunho came back chuckling that King Albrecht was dying to meet Aodhán. Though he could barely contain himself, he didn't tell his parents about the surprise yet. He wanted to share that moment with Seonghwa.

Despite his duties, however, Seonghwa made sure to find time for his harem and son. He carried Aodhán everywhere, charming the entire castle with his babbling as he sat in Seonghwa's lap while he attended his lessons. Once Wooyoung returned from the Cliffs of Zephyr, they went shopping together. Mingi's courage to go to his lands alone got rewarded with a day of snuggles and a mountain of his favourite pastries that Seonghwa prepared by hand.

Each time Hongjoong returned with Aodhán, he received a doting kiss and though Seonghwa was tentative to be alone with San; he took his offer one late night to dance in the moonlight filtering into the empty ballroom.

Otherwise, Seonghwa spent every free minute in the gardens with Jongho and Yeosang. They travelled to the Sky-reaching Highlands and the Glistening Walnut Grove together, both unsure about going alone. They also took their quasi-daughter along. Hongjoong gave her life with his magic and though she did nothing but walk around on malformed rock limbs, Yeosang and Jongho were enamoured with her. Sometimes, she, Buddy, and Aodhán played together. Each had different ideas of what that meant, but they always looked to have fun.

Soon, summer wore Seonghwa down and he retreated into the safety of his castle more often. His gown for the coronation day was almost done, and all speeches were finished. Seonghwa got to take a breather before the big day, and he spent it sprawled in his conversation pit and surrounded by paperwork. Seungyoun put up moonstones around his room to alleviate his strain, and Seonghwa wished for nothing more than a bath and a massage.

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