25. End of an Era

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Once the preparations for the coronation flowed smoothly, Seonghwa finally had the time to introduce Aodhán to the other rulers. He invited everyone to celebrate the new life together and to announce the day of his coronation.

On the big day, everyone gathered. The rulers of each kingdom with their delegations, Seonghwa's family, his diplomats, and Aodhán. It was a major festivity, and the servants spent two weeks preparing the Moon Castle and all the foods requested for dinner. The seamsters worked tirelessly on Seonghwa's gown and the matching clothes of his husbands. Even little Aodhán, who had a full head of sweet blond curls now, matched the royal silver of Seonghwa's heritage.

Seonghwa got his dress fitted in his room hours before the event began. Most guests already arrived, and Hongjoong excused Aodhán from his studies for the day. Currently, the baby sat in Yunho's lap in the conversation pit and learned how to pet Buddy instead of yanking on his fur. While Yunho showed him patiently, Wooyoung sat next to them and watched with silent jealousy.

The white silk cascaded down Seonghwa's frame like water. It matched the open curls of his hair and the filigree circlet adorning his forehead with amethysts and whimsical vines. He fitted it to the necklace San had gifted him, and his bare feet adorned by flimsy chains kept catching Yunho's attention.

Yeosang was also here. Clad in a long tunic that fanned elegantly around him like the head of a tulip, he readied himself for their appearance.

Once Seonghwa was suited up, he gathered his companions. Merry, they followed him outside to group up with the guests. Babbling Aodhán hung from Yunho's strong palms.

"You look magnificent today as well," he smiled at Seonghwa as they descended the stairs.

"As do you," Seonghwa responded elegantly.

His other husbands were already downstairs to mingle. Since this was no official ceremony, there was no need for a parade. Yet, every head bowed, and the music paused when Seonghwa entered the dining room. Upon his beckon, the elves picked their harps back up.

"Your Highness! What a stunning sight you make. Is this your offspring?" The eldest daughter of the Heavenly King swooped in on the arm of her father. Seonghwa had known her for a long time and their parents occasionally discussed political marriage, but the topic lost itself when he found love. By now, she was happily married and had her own child. She forfeited her right to the throne to her brothers, the princes higher in the line for the throne than San. She was his cousin.

Yunho presented Aodhán proudly. They left the thick dog blanket behind and wrapped him in glimmering white fabrics.

"It is. His name is Aodhán," Seonghwa smiled as he caressed his child's cheek. It was rosy and supple, soft below his curious eyes, that tried to gather up all the new information inside the room.

Charmed, the princess waved at the little one.

"He reminds me of my little Rowan so much. I'm sure San must agree! Perhaps they can meet one day and play together," she cooed. Her brilliant wings were white as snow and drool gathered on the corner of Aodhán's mouth as he stared at her. Chuckling, Yunho wiped it off.

"That would be delightful. Please, sit with me. Let's soon plan for such leisure activities."

He accompanied them to the table, and the Heavenly King nodded at Seonghwa, full of respect.

"You recovered skilfully. Finally, your presence illuminates our round again."

With a polite bow, Seonghwa held the princess's hand as she sat down.

"I am most thrilled to catch up with everyone. Thank you for waiting for me."

Fond, they looked after him as he walked down the table and greeted his other guests. The sole mage present, Hongjoong sat next to Seonghwa's mother at one end of the table and both of them lit up when he drew near. Some rulers sat to partake in the conversation, while others mingled in the area. Hlin's rowdy voice was audible three rooms over, but Seonghwa was relieved to spot the Demon King seated next to the mighty dryad eldest.

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