51. Back Home

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Morana's cries would have woken them, but Yeosang was up first and retrieved her from the cocoon of Mingi wrapping around Seonghwa to take care of her. As the others roused one by one at the pace they needed, they all got a turn at distracting her so the rest could sleep. She had lots to see, wings to feel and voices to get to know. Though there were many people at once, she was pleased with the attention.

Though she needed to be patient to see her father again and listen to the song of his voice. Mingi awoke sooner than him, but he cradled Seonghwa close to watch over his sleep. He didn't move while the others left the cave to find food, conversed with the giants of the mountains if they noticed anything suspicious during the night, and melted some snow to wash their wounds. They even took care of Seonghwa's arm without him waking up. The elf slept a long and deep sleep.

By the time he stirred, everyone else was out and about, though mindful of their noise. He was surprised to find them at ease. San had Morana on his arm, letting her stare at his wings with gigantic eyes while he studied a map together with Yunho. Wooyoung missed Mulberry but conceded that the headstrong gryphon would only bring chaos if he were part of their rescue squad.

Mingi broke out into a grin when he felt Seonghwa stretch in his arms. His body echoed the rough ground and the pain of childbirth, but he could tell he was recovering. Partly thanks to Hongjoong's magic that soothed his pain now that he gathered some strength.

"Good morning," Mingi greeted Seonghwa as the elf marvelled at their cosy atmosphere, at Jongho and Yeosang, trying to make breakfast together even when they knew little about food.

Seonghwa snuggled into Mingi's warmth. Usually, it quickly became unbearable, but today, it was just perfect.

"I can't wait until we are home and I see everyone relax. We should all bathe together and sleep in the conversation pit," he sighed. He desperately needed their glow back.

"The same goes for you, Your Majesty," Hongjoong purred as he crouched next to Seonghwa. He handed him a potion and jerked his head towards the entrance.

"Noon is nigh. Our saviours aren't far. As soon as we are back at the castle, you better sleep plenty."

"Did they already contact us?" Seonghwa asked as he sat up to drink. Hongjoong uncorked the vial for him when Seonghwa was feeble from sleep. He nodded.

"They readied right away and are on their way. We have been getting ruffled birds all morning that conveyed everyone's worry."

Feeling loved, Seonghwa downed the mixture. His hair was a mess, but he had no brush with him, so tying it back had to do. Nevertheless, his husbands stared at him as if he were the most beautiful creature on earth. Seonghwa wanted to mirror those looks, wanted to gift them presents and food and love until they drowned in enjoyment.

Soon, he promised himself. They could allow themselves a brief break to recover.

"We will assure them soon. How is Morana?"

"Hungry. We couldn't convince her to have anything but your milk. San adores her to bits, that hypocrite. Though I feel Jongho might become her favourite. She flails as if she wants to fight when people are hasty around her."

"So much spirit," Seonghwa chuckled. He missed his dear Aodhán, couldn't wait to hold him in his arms again. He prayed the two would get along. Already, they were like sun and moon, down to the smallest details of their personalities.

"Eat first, then she can suck you dry. She sure is lucky Aodhán doesn't need your milk anymore. It would become a war."

"She will have the world at her feet," Seonghwa promised as he accepted the bowl and the water Hongjoong handed to him. Mingi finally got up, ditching his duties as a pillow.

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