42. Make the Moon Shine

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The unicorn below Seonghwa purposefully softened its step to avoid jostling his body. At a mild canter, they crossed the Crystal Sphere westward, past the Moon Castle and toward the Glistening Walnut Grove that separated the elven lands from the free territory of the orcs. In the beginning, the journey was quiet as everyone brooded over their dreadful predictions of the future. Seonghwa accumulated any strategy he could think of once they caught up with the orcs, both violent and peaceful. The nearest race ready for combat were the demons, and Seonghwa would like to avoid asking for their help. The horned creatures had been eager to test their strength against the orcs for a long time.

After a few hours, they were fed up with the tense silence. Mingi was the first to gather his courage, suffering under the suffocating hush. Even the forest swallowed its sounds, muffled nature under the snow as they rode past.

As the forest path widened, Mingi steered his trusty goat to gallop by Seonghwa's side. The elf straightened when he neared, pinched features softening.

"Are you cold, hawthorn? We have blankets," Seonghwa offered when the demon's pants formed white clouds in the winter air.

Mingi shook his head.

"My skin is thick, so my heat is stored inside well. How is your body? If you need breaks, you can allow yourself. The orcs must have passed the borders into their lands already."

Seonghwa glanced toward the skies, announcing the nearing night. He sighed.

"I would prefer to continue so they don't make it far to their people, but it will wear us out before a battle. Let's continue until the sun sets and then take a break," he offered. Once the orcs heard of the pursuit, they might choose wisely and hand the kidnapped elves over.

With a hesitant nod, Mingi burrowed his fingers into the thick fur of his black goat.

"How is the imp? After taking it slow for so long, this much movement must be jarring."

Seonghwa put his hand on his belly. Indeed, his little one was restless. They kicked much more than Aodhán, blatant about their displeasure where Seonghwa's firstborn hadn't been able to contain his magic. Now, restricted by the armour and shaken from the ride, the baby seemed to spin circles inside Seonghwa, agitated to move along with the troupe. Compared to the zaps of magic, it as wasn't painful. On the contrary. Seonghwa liked the liveliness, felt it connected them on a more physical plane than the link of their souls.

The first smile in a long while danced over Seonghwa's features. For a moment, he unwound to the gentle and elegant moon elf nature and people alike adored. Behind him, his husbands perked up at his glow and some winter flowers turned their heads in his direction.

"The imp is also fine. I can't wait to meet them. Aodhán knows what is going on and I can tell he will be such a good brother," Seonghwa swooned, endeared by his family. He didn't know how to imagine the looks of this child, wondered about the colour of their eyes and hair. If they were San's, they might have wings. A winged elven baby would be so charming.

Mingi mirrored his grin when he picked up on the improvement in Seonghwa's mood.

"Do you want a girl or a boy?"

"Hm, both will be lovely and I will love them unconditionally," Seonghwa hummed. He momentarily forgot where they were and how their duty loomed over them. For hours, he dreaded the kidnapped elves might have got harmed. Then he dreaded having to spill blood in case of a fight. But now, with Mingi's sweet questions by his side, he felt as if they were taking a regular, pleasant ride through the wintry forest. The white-dusted trees engulfed them adoringly, and the snow crunched beneath the hoofs of their animals.

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