21. Announcement for the Empire

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As soon as Seonghwa was allowed to wander again, he was unstoppable. He dressed in his favourite amethyst gown that dragged over the polished quartz floors behind his feet decorated with pearls. Slit sleeves hugged his wrists and were framed by body chains of dainty silver that glimmered like sparkles of stars on the airy fabric. He wore the necklace San gifted him in the Vault of Heaven and dainty rings, one of which he shared a pair with Wooyoung with.

His hair was tucked up with a pin that had elaborate silver leaves dangling from its end and more jewellery bedazzled his ears. When he stepped outside onto the singing corridor with Aodhán cradled in his embrace, a sigh of relief escaped him.

No more aches plagued his body and his soul found back to its harmony after quaking for the past few days. Seonghwa's mind was refreshed and eager to meet his people and his husbands.

Aodhán was precious and healthy. He slept a lot, as most babies did, but when he was awake, he was eager to study all the new nooks and crannies of the castle Seonghwa showed him. His magic peeked through only occasionally; like when he lifted the plushies on Seonghwa's bed with invisible hands or coughed sparks of fire. It was nothing as elaborate as Hongjoong's smooth talent, but it reminded Seonghwa to send for the sorcerer from time to time.

In the moonlight dancing through the tall windows, the prince finally walked his corridors again with his precious one in his arms. He hummed or whispered to his child, illustrating the unique surroundings. The castle was bright in its whites and Aodhán's eyes were big as he tried to comprehend the height of the hallways. He also looked around for the singing choir, unaware of how it rose in pitch in endearment at him.

Seonghwa would meet with his folk today. A crowd gathered in the inner courtyard, enthusiastic to meet their prince. Their voices gushed outside, pondering the child's heritage and appearance. Aside from the birth, the royal family hadn't announced any details yet.

Just as delighted to share with them, Seonghwa sent Seungyoun ahead to inform the scribes of his arrival. When he crossed the foyer branching off into the rooms of his husbands, he heard the temperate chime of the xylophone from Jongho's room as he matched the song that rejoiced him so.

Mingi opened his door to listen outside. Since his step was ever so soundless, Seonghwa greeted him with a warm voice.

"Hello, Mingi," he smiled, catching the demon in the act. He blushed but didn't duck away. Shy fingers fiddled before his body.

"How are you feeling? Are you fine to walk around?" He asked, concern deep in his brow. Indulging him so he wouldn't fret, Seonghwa came closer. Mingi's pointed ears pricked at the baby talk coming from Seonghwa's chest.

"We feel wonderful. I've been yearning to see you and the others. Let's go on a trip to the lake soon, everyone together. I have lots to catch up on." For example, how Wooyoung's and Hongjoong's captivating rivalry was going.

Relieved, Mingi nodded.

"I must go downstairs to greet the residents, but you can collect the others to attend the hearing if you'd like. Especially Yunho should be there."

Keen to help, Mingi rushed past Seonghwa to knock on their doors. While he roused everyone from their lazy dwelling, Seonghwa and Aodhán made their way downstairs. Seonghwa purred to his child as he walked.

"My precious one. You will see many people today, so you might be confused, but don't be scared. I'm here," he promised as he leaned their foreheads together. Their bond communicated his feelings and Aodhán hummed, satisfied.

Seonghwa's parents awaited him near the balcony looking out over the inner courtyard, but they stuck to the corners. Today was his time to talk. As he greeted them, the warm spring breeze from outside caressed Seonghwa's skin and hair. Aodhán wormed as if he wanted to ride it and take off into the lands smelling of flowers and fruit.

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