30. The Pebble

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As all joy had to find its end, the celebrations for the coronation ended that night, but they didn't end for the kingdom. Many guests stayed for the entire week, and Yunho's parents insisted on going on a few walks with Yunho, Seonghwa and Aodhán. Seonghwa gladly indulged them, fluid like a river, as he balanced his duties on his other hand. He didn't bear his crown the entire time, but word reached across the entire continent and the Eastern Sea.

The Crystal Sphere celebrated all month. As their songs filled their streets and artists eternalised the rise of a new emperor, Seonghwa greeted and thanked everyone. The rapture persisted and filled the last days of autumn with a golden glow. Rejuvenated, nature endured a while longer, holding off on winter while Seonghwa travelled around.

His husbands accompanied him. They switched places as he visited all major elven cities and attended their celebrations. Each town swooned over someone else by his side, and the folk tried to out-argue one another who suited Seonghwa best.

Ever chuckling about it, Seonghwa kissed them all whenever he saw them. He spent little time alone and though Aodhán impatiently had to demand his milk whenever Seonghwa found the time to settle down with him; the child knew through their link that he was beloved.

As winter dawned and the nights got longer, Seonghwa's constant duties also slowed. He tended to his politics back at the Moon Castle, not yet ready to claim the Crystal Palace as his residence. He adored this place he lived in for so long and made so many fond memories in. And his husbands liked the seclusion.

Thus, Seonghwa took most of his documents there and sat at the windows with Aodhán suckling on his chest as he signed papers and the first snow tumbled from the skies outside.

Time passed, and everyone caught their breaths. Seonghwa didn't wear his crown at home and nothing changed for his dear husbands who came crawling into his bed to hold him during long nights. Aodhán learned to sleep alone in his crib whenever things got busy in Seonghwa's room and he grew up well, hair curling longer and longer.

Seonghwa didn't mourn for the past. Rather than overwhelmed, he felt suited to the work he did, and he could consult his father about his doubts. The crown was his to bear, but many others helped him with his government. Whenever a matter needed to be carried into another kingdom, his husbands stood at the ready.

Aodhán didn't hurt him again. Hongjoong cut down his training since he progressed in restraining his magic. Soon, Hongjoong gifted him a necklace that cradled a shimmering opal.

"It's for protection," he declared when Seonghwa tilted his head at it. He earned a kiss as thanks and handed Seonghwa his baby shyly. Sitting in the conversation pit, Seonghwa nursed Aodhán.

All stress slowed, and peace caught up with them. Soon, Seonghwa had time again to sit idle. Now, he was often accompanied by Aodhán, but everyone loved playing with him and watching his progress as he learned to roll around the far pit.

Since he was equally invested in the golem baby, Seonghwa sat with Jongho and Yeosang one night. The little golem had no name since golems saw no importance in them and only gave Jongho one because he needed to live among name-havers. Thus, Seonghwa began to refer to her as Jongho's pebble fondly. Since her parents liked it, it became her official title.

She was still small as she wandered the table between them with bumbling movements. Golems needed hundreds of years to grow into their size, whereas elves grew almost as fast as humans, though they aged slower once they finished growing.

Their pebble would take a long time to develop an interest in words.

"She might not ever care. I find the races I learn about most interesting, but some don't. Since there is no need to communicate that way, many of us never do," Jongho said as they watched her toddle around. His crystals shone yellow, fascinated by the difference from Seonghwa's child.

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