43. The Orc Lands

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After dinner, everyone bundled up into their capes and rolled up around the fire. Seonghwa was closely framed by his husbands and San held on to his sword in his sleep, ready to draw it anytime. Nothing attacked them and the guards switched smoothly. By the time morning dawned, they were well-rested.

Seonghwa discussed the route with his knights while they got ready. As soon as the cart was loaded, they were back on the road to enter the Glistening Walnut Grove. Seonghwa's mood had grown glum once more, but his mind was sharp. If they resolved this quickly and without harm, he could return home with his husbands soon to cherish them and tend to his child.

Thus, they wasted no time mounting their animals and rushing through the wintry landscape. Snow veiled the invisible borders between the kingdoms and soon, fewer elves passed them as they entered the land of the dryads. The party took occasional breaks to ease the pressure on Seonghwa's body, but their pace was swift. Some birds eager to aid the emperor had spotted the fleeing orcs and kept them notified they were catching up. On the other hand, they also provided information back to the castle so no one would fret about a prolonged silence.

Though the forests were beautiful and the fresh snow offered a roll in the glistening bed of its softness, there was no time to play. All beauty rushed past, untouched and irrelevant, as Seonghwa hunted down the treacherous orcs. Had Kane planned this from the beginning? Or had he sneered in Seonghwa's face and decided on their way back that they might as well be their cruel selves since an alliance wasn't happening?

Another permanent scowl etched into Seonghwa's features. At least the others left him to his brooding today and were unafraid to talk with each other. They debated strategies and accounted for one another and Seonghwa in case of an emergency. Since their mumbling soothed them and eased the strain on Seonghwa's mind, he gladly accepted it as background noise.

The grove wasn't too overpopulated with dryads. They were rare folk, and those who didn't mingle with the community hid deep within the forests. Since Seonghwa didn't plan to get held up with a visit to their eldest, he didn't assume to run into some of Yeosang's people. However, soon, a tree near the path twisted into an unnatural shape, growing a face on its rough bark so it could communicate with them. Seonghwa slowed his group to a stop, awed at the towering dryad. They must be guards, so far out here. The dryads rarely cared for such, but Seonghwa asked them for vigilance. He found recognition in the dryad's eyes.

"Emperor," she greeted them, nodding her mighty crown in their manner of respect. "I expected your crossing."

"Did you alert us to the treason of the orcs?" Seonghwa asked, shifting when the unicorn danced in her spot. She didn't get nervous like common horses, but she recognised the might of a fellow mystical being.

The dryad hummed, voice croaking through the depths of her limbs.

"We noticed their hurried departure, but they were far by the time we recognised what they led with them. Two of our guards opposed them, but we couldn't stop them from crossing the border," the dryad confessed. Woe carried in her voice over failing what Seonghwa predicted and stationed them for.

The moon elf forgave them easily. For the most time, the orcs played a friendly farce.

"Our goal is to free the elves and demand reparations for betraying our truce. As we only allowed them in tentatively, this mockery cannot be disregarded. You may inform your eldest that he won't have to grant passage to orcs again anytime soon."

The dryad nodded and beckoned down the path.

"The forest cleared the way for you. Follow this road to find them. We cannot mobilise forces to accompany you, but we will be ready if you need us."

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