6. Over-protective

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Everyone returned in time for dinner. Though Wooyoung was difficult to part from Mulberry whenever they met, he heeded the whispers of the birds relaying Seonghwa's message. Soon, his wings rushed past the windows as he made his way inside through one of the many open balcony doors. In spring, Seonghwa liked their breeze wafting through the lofty halls of quartz. He was the last to join them in the dining room, and his face lit up when he found everyone assembled.

Since Hongjoong wasn't there, Yunho took the place right by Seonghwa's side. Even more than before, he looked at him like his personal moon.

Seonghwa's pie was baked to perfection. It sat in their midst, luring everyone with its sweet scent and the golden brown of its baked decorations. Seonghwa and Mingi formed flowers from the dough to put on top of the jam, and they stood out sweetly against the red.

With a grin, Wooyoung pressed a kiss to Seonghwa's cheek before he rounded him. He dropped into his chair and dug right into the main meal.

"Did everyone have fun today?" Seonghwa asked, satisfied with their hurry to fill their stomachs. San's hair was wet from his recent shower, and Yeosang gained inspiration from the forest to sprout blue mushrooms. They matched Jongho's crystals today.

"Mulberry bids you his greetings! He looks forward to seeing you again sometime," Wooyoung chirped. He had worn the scarf Seonghwa had gifted him, stubborn about it even in the warming temperatures. Even now, it hung open around his neck, ruffled by the wind.

"I will join when you visit him next time," Seonghwa promised.

"We saw a fox," Jongho illustrated their side of things. Interested, Seonghwa glanced at their group over his chalice.

"A white fox. I told him they are rare out here," Yeosang helped when the golem was satisfied with this much information. Seonghwa contemplated the rare sign.

"They are, indeed. They seldom thread from the north all the way here."

"Jongho learned something new," San smiled. The sun's glow lingered on him, rivalling Seonghwa's in an equal beauty. His skin tanned so easily, gaining an attractive honeyed tone that complemented his white clothes and wings.

Seonghwa shared their enthusiasm.

"I'm glad. Tell me if you want to read more about the local animals. The elves dutifully document the friends they make in the forests."

Meditative, Jongho nodded as he paid the eating folk his company.

Wooyoung came scooting over on his chair, screeching across the floor. His sweet, attentive eyes studied Seonghwa. The mole on his lip stretched when he grinned.

"What about you, Your Highness? What did you do?"

"Mingi and I enjoyed some baking," Seonghwa said with a graceful beckon at the cake. Immediately, it got showered with attention. Everyone tried to finish their meal as fast as possible to get a bite. Mingi snickered. Seonghwa gently nudged Buddy away when he pressed his nose into his crotch. With a whimper, the dog walked his round for crumbs, confused about the change of scent.

"And you? You were suspiciously not in your room last night. I heard the dog run around," Wooyoung asked, mouth now full of cake. His narrow eyes fixed on Yunho and no sheepish glimpse to the side could save the human.

"Ah, we..." He looked at Seonghwa for aid and the elf gave an elegant nod.

Wooyoung gasped, swallowing just in time not to choke.

"Oh, how scandalous! How is that going? You better be treating him well, or else..." Wooyoung threateningly swung his cup of mead about, not caring what type of meal he drank it with.

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