48. Happy Death Day

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Everything was pain.

Hongjoong did his best to soothe the throbs of Seonghwa's body, to disconnect his mind from the torment, but the sorcerer was exhausted. As Seonghwa writhed in their midst and prayed to yell away his agony, his husbands could only fret. They cushioned him with all furs and cloaks they had, offered their hands and shoulders for him to claw on as pain split him in two. He felt as if his stomach was ripping open and it was so, so much worse than Aodhán's birth.

Their babbling reached him as if through a cloud. With his senses hazy, Seonghwa let them hold his body, free his feverish skin of his clothes. Yeosang checked on his injury to make sure it wasn't acting up.

A litany of curses fell from Hongjoong's lips.

"Damn it! I can't teleport him in this state! Even if I amass my remaining power to get him to his midwives..."

In a panic, Yunho shook his head.

"It's too dangerous for the baby. We can only pray to suffice as substitutes."

A whirl of white wings rushed out of the cave and a small part of Seonghwa felt bad for screaming since it might alert their enemies to their location, but he was too faint to think about that. His fingers dug bloody crescents into Wooyoung's arm.

"Please-" He rasped, wishing so badly to douse all the pain away. But no cold water, no change of position would alleviate him.

Hongjoong snapped out of it and huddled back over Seonghwa.

"We are here. Your baby is too early, but if they want out, they have to get out. We got you."

Usually, Seonghwa would guide them through matters they were foreign to, but he was too drained. He dropped his head into Mingi's lap, relishing in the demon's touch as he brushed Seonghwa's sweaty hair from his face.

"Here, Jongho, shape into something to prop up his legs. We need access to his stomach," Hongjoong guided. The golem complied, dipping and jutting until he cradled Seonghwa's lower half in a curve of stone, holding up his legs. If there had been less misery, Seonghwa would have flushed at being so exposed to them, but he could only grit his teeth at another wave of suffering.

San came rushing in with a water basin so they could wash their hands. Wooyoung and Yeosang held back, too scared to mess up and to get rough branches and bark too close to Seonghwa's convulsing body. The gryphon-born held Seonghwa's hand as he attended the setup with a pale face.

The swell of Seonghwa's body seemed ever-changing, bulging from the movements of his child. Blood and water trickled from him, speeding up their process.

"Hwa, if something feels wrong, you need to tell us, yes? I know everything is overwhelming, but give us some signal if something happens," Hongjoong summoned Seonghwa. His golden eyes burnt with determination but Seonghwa couldn't match their intensity. His gaze wavered as he whimpered.

He got out a laboured nod, body cramping and squeezing as it tried to expel the cause of his pain.

Things became easier when Hongjoong reached for him. Though his magic couldn't replicate the healing touch of the healers and midwives, he understood how to feel for Seonghwa with cool, slick tendrils to ease his pain. As San wiped Seonghwa's blood, Hongjoong smoothed against his cramping insides and opened them up to coax the child. Very much alive and kicking, the little one pursued the promise of freedom.

Seonghwa bit his lip raw until Mingi offered him his finger. It pressed against Seonghwa's lip to substitute a wooden stick, and Seonghwa gladly accepted it. He muffled his cries as he dug blunt teeth into Mingi's sturdy skin, grounding himself.

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