a special thanks to my readers

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♡I know what I said, candyman headcanons are next, I promise♡

Thank all of you for reading my book of headcanons and oneshots, and I mean thank all of you.

Thank you to the people reading this during the day, I appreciate for choosing to read my slasher headcanons over going outside and touching grass. It means a lot.

Thank you to the people reading this between 12:00am and 6:00am. I appreciate that you chose my fanfic over getting some rest, even though you damn well need it.

Thank you to all the people reading this at school and public in general, you are very brave and I applaud your courage. I don't think I'll ever have the strength to do such a risky thing.

Thank you to all the people reading because to fill a certain void in your life, which most of you. I too am lonely as hell and my only real friends are my three dogs and two cats.

Thank you to all the people reading this to escape reality, life is always either too boring or there's just too much drama.

Thank those of you that stayed invested in the fic, it really motivates me to keep writing.

Thank every one of you. As a horror movie fan in a family that basically cares nothing about them, it's hard to find someone to talk about them with.

Believe it or not, the average person doesn't wanna fuck Michael Myers.  I struggle with socializing due to my interest, leaving me nothing to do but write on wattpad to escape my boredom.

Now that I've been on here I while, I've come to realize that I'm not the only one in distress.

I appreciate you for everything.

You wish this was you, huh? ( slasher headcanons & oneshots )Where stories live. Discover now