♠ Gentle downpour ♠

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The serene orange hue that had adorned the peaceful sky was swiftly replaced by a blanket of dark, drifting clouds. It was an unforeseen turn of weather, catching you off guard.

Leaning against the tempered glass, your forehead pressed lightly against the barrier that separated you from the relentless rain. Even from inside, you could sense the chill of the downpour as it kissed the surface.

Droplets of water raced down the windowpane, each one tracing its own path, captivating your gaze. The scene before you was both tranquil and breathtaking.

As the rain continued to pour relentlessly, it became evident that heading home anytime soon was out of the question.

As you stood there, transfixed by the captivating rain, your mind began to wander. Thoughts swirled around like the droplets on the glass, creating a sense of introspection within you. The unexpected weather had disrupted your plans, but it also presented an opportunity for reflection.

The sound of raindrops tapping against the windowpane formed a rhythmic melody, soothing your senses. The world outside appeared blurred, as if seen through a veil of water. Each droplet held a story, a journey from the heavens above to the earth below. The rain washed away the dust of the day, cleansing the world and bringing forth a fresh perspective.

The room around you stood empty, devoid of the usual hustle and bustle as people hurried to seek refuge from the relentless downpour. However, you found solace in the captivating beauty of the rain. It was as if the raindrops themselves whispered tranquility, easing your mind of any worries or distractions.

Lost in your thoughts, you were jolted back to reality as someone playfully poked your cheeks. Startled, you turned to find Muichiro standing there, his presence bringing a sense of comfort and calm. His demeanor and the way he carried himself seemed to exude a certain mystique, akin to the serene mist that enshrouded the surroundings.

"I've been calling you three times already," Muichiro stated, his head slightly tilted in curiosity. He couldn't help but wonder about the depth of your contemplation.

Chuckling sheepishly, you replied, "Ahaha... Sorry, I was just lost in my own thoughts."

"What brings you here?" you asked, curious about Muichiro's sudden appearance. His visits were infrequent, and you wondered what had drawn him to seek you out in this moment.

"I couldn't help but notice how lost you seemed," Muichiro replied, his misty gaze meeting yours. "I thought perhaps some company would be appreciated."

A warmth filled your heart at his thoughtfulness. Muichiro's presence had a way of easing your worries and allowing you to be present in the moment. You leaned against the tempered glass, inviting him to join you in admiring the rain.

Together, you stood in silence, enveloped by the sound of raindrops and the misty air. It felt as if time had suspended once again, creating a space where worries and responsibilities melted away. Muichiro's quiet companionship provided solace, allowing you to simply exist in the present without any pressures or expectations.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now