[Requested] ♠ Shared Haven ♠

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Muichirou Tokitou x Reader

The sky was painted in hues of orange and purple as the sun dipped below the horizon. Muichiro took a moment to bask in the tranquility of the evening, allowing the cool breeze to soothe his tired body, his breath heavy and sweat dripping down his brow. His body ached because of the intense training sessions he endured in order to push himself to his limits.

The repetitive motion had taken its toll on his hands ached his palms, as he tightly gripped the wooden blade, he had been swinging tirelessly all day. Luckily, despite the physical strain, he hadn't coughed up blood at all.

Once finished, Muichiro made his way back to his estate, his tired legs dragging slightly with each step. The familiar surroundings provided a sense of comfort as he entered his home. The soft, dimly lit interior welcomed him, offering solace from the outside world.

He walked through the halls, his footsteps muffled by the tatami flooring. As he reached his bedroom, Muichiro's eyes fell upon the inviting futon that lay neatly on the floor, however instead of finding his spot empty, his eyes widened in surprise as he beheld the unexpected sight of Y/n nestled on his futon.

The corners of his lips curled into a gentle smile, admiring her peaceful expression as she slept. He couldn't help but feel a warmth in his chest, an unexpected comfort in knowing that she had found solace in his home.

Carefully, so as not to disturb her slumber, Muichiro sat down next to Y/n on the futon. He studied her features, the rise and fall of her chest with each breath, a soft tenderness filled his gaze as he watched her.

The exhaustion from his intense training session mixed with the calm atmosphere of the room, lulled him into a drowsy state. His eyelids grew heavy, and a yawn escaped his lips as his own weariness began to catch up with him.

Despite his own need for rest, Muichiro couldn't bring himself to disturb Y/n's peaceful slumber. He cherished this quiet moment, watching over her and appreciating her serene state. It was as if the weight of his weariness was lifted a bit, replaced by a sense of tranquility that only Y/n's presence could bring.

He then pulled the blankets back towards her, but Y/n started to stir in her sleep, causing Muichiro's heart to skip a beat, briefly breaking the tranquility of the moment. He froze, worried that his actions might have disturbed her peaceful slumber. However, as Y/n settled back into slumber, he let out a soft sigh of relief, realizing she was undisturbed.

Taking it as a sign that Y/n was now comfortable, Muichiro carefully tucked her in, making sure she was enveloped in the warmth and softness of the blankets. His touch was gentle, his movements careful not to wake her. As he adjusted the covers, Muichiro's fingertips brushed lightly against Y/n's cheek, a tender gesture filled with unspoken care.

Once satisfied, Muichiro shifted slightly on his cushion, finding a comfortable position to lean against the wall. As he settled in, Muichiro closed his eyes halfway, allowing himself to drift into a state of half-sleep, with a soft smile playing on his lips, he surrendered himself to the embrace of sleep, his own weariness finally catching up to him.


Artist: sui

Link; https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/12899190

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