♠ Distractions ♠

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Yuichirou Tokitou x Reader

"Yuichiro~" Y/n hummed his name playfully, Yuichiro continued to focus on his assignment, trying his best to concentrate despite Y/n's attempts to grab his attention. He knew Y/n well enough to recognize her playful tone, but he had a lot of work to do and couldn't afford to be distracted.

"Y/n, I really need to finish this assignment," he finally replied, not looking away from his work. "Can you give me some space? We can hang out later when I'm done."

"Eh~ You've been saying that for the past few hours," Y/n playfully complained. Yuichiro let out a soft sigh, realizing that she was correct. He had been engrossed in his work for longer than he had initially anticipated. However, he knew that he still needed to finish it.

"One minute."

This turned Y/n's expression into a pout, puffing her cheeks like an adorable child. A mischievous idea suddenly popped into her head.

'If you're not going to pay attention to me, I might as well bother you,' she thought with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Y/n's attempts to grab his attention continued, nudging his shoulders and poking his cheeks, but Yuichiro remained unwavering, he remained determined to complete his assignment, ignoring the distractions (which was Y/n) around him.

Recognizing that her attempts to gain Yuichiro's attention were futile, Y/n reluctantly withdrew, puffing her cheeks even more in frustration, resembling an angered baby. Her orbs then landed at Yuichiro's neatly tied-up ponytail, his hair always looked so sleek and stylish, and it was one of the many things that Y/n found attractive about him.

Just when Yuichiro believed that Y/n had finally given up, he felt the tug on his ponytail, his orbs widened in surprise at the unexpected sensation of Y/n's lips on his nape. His body involuntarily jolted, his heart racing, and he quickly turned to face Y/n, his face furiously flushing red with embarrassment.

He looked at Y/n, who had now taken a step back and was smirking mischievously.

"If won't stop, I'll do much worst." She playfully teased, Yuichiro's heart pounded in his chest, his cheeks burning even hotter.

"Y-You..." He stammered words trailed off as he noticed the innocent tilt of Y/n's head and the wide, innocent eyes they were giving him. It was a classic move from Y/n's playbook, one that had always managed to disarm him in the past. This time, however, it only served to irk him further, stirring up a mix of embarrassment and frustration.

"What? What are you planning to do, shy baby?" Y/n taunted, crossing her arms and sporting a mischievous smirk. Yuichiro wasn't known for making bold moves, especially considering how easily flustered and embarrassed he could be.

He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself, "so that's how you want to play, huh?" he said, his voice tinged with a hint of annoyance.

Surprisingly, he stood up and closed the distance between them in one swift motion, leaning in close to Y/n's face, and with a gentle tilt of his head, he pressed his lips against hers, catching her completely off guard. Her eyes widened in surprise, as it was not something Yuichiro would typically do.

Yuichiro pulled back, his cheeks flushed with a deep blush, despite being the one who initiated the unexpected kiss. He had surprised both himself and Y/n with his bold move, breaking away from his usual reserved nature.

Y/n blinked several times, her hand instinctively reaching up to touch her lips, trying to process the unexpected kiss and the sight of Yuichiro's flustered state. The silence that followed seemed to stretch on forever, intensifying the deep shade of red on his face.

"YOU MADE ME DO IT, SAY SOMETHING." Yuichiro's frustration mixed with embarrassment as he spoke out, his voice filled with a touch of exasperation. He had mustered up the courage to make such a bold move, and now the silence from Y/n was making him feel even more self-conscious.

A gentle blush adorned Y/n's face, her lips curving into an affectionate grin as she spoke in a teasing yet tender tone. "I didn't think you had it in you."

"Wha..." Yuichiro's mouth opened and closed wordlessly, unable to form a coherent sentence, his face growing even redder in response to her playful comment.

"W-Whatever!" Yuichiro's attempt to brush off the situation and regain his composure only made it more apparent to Y/n how flustered he truly was. As he turned away, sitting down, his ears growing redder by the moment, Y/n couldn't help but find his reaction endearing.

She approached him from behind, wrapping her arms around his neck, he could feel the warmth of her body against his back, sending a shiver down his spine. The soft kiss she planted on his cheek left a lingering sensation which caught him completely off guard, leaving him in a state of stunned surprise.

Yuichiro's eyes widened in astonishment, his mind racing to process, he could still feel the warmth from her lips even after she pulled away. He was momentarily frozen in his seat, unable to articulate a response or comprehend what had just happened. It was a mixture of confusion, flustered emotions, and a hint of delight.

'I broke him again.' 


Artist: natsuneco_02[夏猫]

Links; https://twitter.com/natsuneco_02

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