[Special] ♠ Headcanons: Commemorative Treats ♠

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Tokitou Twins x Reader

* On August 8th, you decided to surprise the twins on their birthday by preparing meals and baking a cake for them.

* Unfortunately, they discovered your plans, but they were unaware it was for their birthday, so you played it cool, saying it was just for fun.

* To your surprise, your excuse provided them with a reason to pitch in and help you out, leaving you dumbfounded. Though they were unaware, they ended up assisting in the preparations for their own birthday celebration.

* Despite the unexpected turn of events, you carried on with the preparations.

* Yuichiro, being the older brother, displayed his culinary prowess in the kitchen. He deftly chopped ingredients with precision, showing impressive knife skills and ensuring no accidents occurred. Moreover, he moved with remarkable speed, effortlessly navigating around the kitchen.

* You were actually glad to be caught as with Yuichiro's help, everything fell into place smoothly, and you were genuinely glad that he caught you in the act.

* When it came to handling dangerous utilities, Yuichiro would take over from you. He didn't want you to get hurt during this "just for fun" cooking session you had in mind.

* He considered it "unnecessary" for you to risk getting hurt during the cooking session, completely unaware that it was all for their special occasion.

* While you had a moderate level of culinary skill, Muichiro's expertise in the kitchen was on the lower end of the scale since cooking wasn't exactly his forte.

* You found it adorable to see him fumbling with utensils, reminding you of your own early kitchen mishaps but still eager to lend a hand.

* Yuichiro's occasional scolding of Muichiro for mixing things up only strengthened your appreciation for their close sibling bond.

* Observing their interactions never failed to brighten your day; their sibling bond was truly unique and heartwarming. Witnessing their affectionate connection brought you immense joy, knowing that they shared such a special relationship.

* Yuichiro's occasional display of raising his voice towards his younger twin only goes to show how much he cares for him.

* Despite Muichiro's lack of kitchen skills and sometimes adding more tasks that burdened the three of you, it was evident that he genuinely wanted to help which was endearing

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