[Requested] ♠ Shattered Constraints ♠

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A/N: Oh man, strap your seatbelts on cause this is going to be a long one HAHA! This is the continuation of "Condemned Love" but you don't need to read the first part to understand this one. 

Word count: 3,906


Muichiro was found seated on the porch of Oyakata-sama's estate, lost in his thoughts, his posture conveyed a sense of introspection and contemplation. With one foot dangling off the edge of the wooden floor and the other raised, his elbow resting on his knee, Muichiro's chin was cradled in his palm as he stared up at the sky. It was evident that something weighed heavily on his mind, causing his gaze to wander and his thoughts to wander with it.

Mitsuri and Tanjiro cautiously peered from the corner, their curiosity getting the better of them, they observed Muichiro engrossed in his contemplation. Their heads tilted, they watched as he remained completely absorbed in his thoughts, unaware of their presence.

It was only when Mitsuri accidentally stumbled over a small pebble that Muichiro's attention was drawn away from his musings. He turned his head, his gaze meeting Mitsuri and Tanjiro, his expression shifting from deep contemplation to mild surprise, as he wondered how long they had been there.

"Tokito-kun, are you okay? You look like you have a lot on your mind right now." Tanjiro approached Muichiro, his concern evident in his voice, he addressed him with a gentle tone.

"Ah..." Muichiro, feeling the weight of his thoughts, lowered his gaze, his expression mirroring a mixture of sadness and contemplation. A soft sigh escaped his lips, releasing some of the tension that had accumulated within him.

"Ah... I was just... thinking of Y/n," he finally admitted the cause of his preoccupation with a touch of vulnerability in his mint-colored eyes.

Tanjiro and Mitsuri exchanged a knowing glance, understanding the depth of Muichiro's feelings for Y/n. They were among the few who were aware of the secret relationship between Muichiro and Y/n, along with Uzui, Oyakata-sama, and themselves. While they hadn't intervened, they couldn't help but feel concerned and worried about the well-being of both Muichiro and Y/n.

The circumstances surrounding their relationship posed challenges and potential risks, which weighed on their minds. As caring comrades, they understood the complexities and dangers of being involved in a forbidden connection, especially in their line of work as Demon Slayers.

The mist pillar's demeanor shifted, his body slouching further as he planted both feet firmly on the ground, surrounded by pebbles. The weight of his thoughts seemed to pull him down, evident in his posture. With his arms resting on his knees, a visible frown etched onto his brows, he expressed his concerns openly.

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