♠ Glimpses Beyond ♠

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Yuichirou Tokitou x Reader

Y/n couldn't help but admire the hue of the twin's hair as it transitioned from black to mint. It was an extraordinary combination that perfectly complemented their features.

The twins' facial features and appearances were strikingly similar, making it easy to mistake one for the other at first glance. However, as Y/n spent more time with them, she noticed subtle differences in their expressions and mannerisms. Muichiro had a slightly softer gaze, while Yuichiro eyes carried a more intense and focused look.

Despite Yuichiro's usual cold and stoic demeanor towards most people, he treated Y/n just a little bit differently.

One particular detail that Y/n found endearing was Yuichiro's choice to wear a ponytail. It was a practical solution to differentiate himself from his brother and prevent any mix-ups. The ponytail gave him a distinctive edge, accentuating his individuality while showcasing his stoic and confident side.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Y/n decided to act on a whim and see what Yuichiro's hair would look like let down, similar to his younger twin's. Without much contemplation, she approached him from behind and gently slid the hair tie downwards, removing his ponytail, she didn't expect his immediate reaction.

He tensed up, freezing for a moment, surprised by the sudden gesture. The sensation of his hair cascading down his back caught him off guard, unsure how to react to Y/n's unexpected gesture. His heart raced, not because he was upset, but rather because he was taken aback by the sudden change.

"Sorry," Y/n said softly, "I didn't mean to startle you. I was just curious to see your hair down, like Muichiro's."

Yuichiro softly chuckled, his cheeks lightly flushed, almost unnoticeable, he ran his fingers through his hair, smoothing it out a bit. "It's alright," he replied, his voice warm and gentle. "I don't mind, really. It's just... I usually keep it up to make it easier for people to differentiate between Muichiro and me."

Y/n nodded at his response, she pulled a chair and went behind it, offering, "I'll fix your hair, it won't take long."

Yuichiro slightly widened his eyes, feeling a mix of surprise and embarrassment at her persistence. He protested softly, "It's really not necessary, I can handle it myself."

Seeing Yuichiro's surprise and hesitation, Y/n couldn't help but chuckle softly at his protests. "Come on, don't be shy," she encouraged with a warm smile, "It's just a small gesture. Plus, I was the one who took the ponytail out in the first place, so let me fix it back for you."

He hesitated for a moment before sitting down, allowing her to fix his hair. Y/n then carefully ran her fingers through Yuichiro's mint-hued locks, she noticed how soft and silky they felt. Her actions were tender and attentive, as she carefully arranged his mint-hued locks back into a neat ponytail, ensuring that it was comfortable and secure.

Despite his efforts to maintain a calm facade, Yuichiro's cheeks still carried a faint blush, betraying the subtle fluster he felt at the closeness of the moment. He was grateful for Y/n's kindness and the care she put into fixing his hair, finding it surprisingly endearing how she took the initiative to do something so simple yet meaningful.

He appreciated Y/n's helpfulness and the warmth of her touch, finding it comforting and soothing. The moment felt oddly intimate, yet he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable by acknowledging his feelings. He knew Y/n had a friendly and caring nature, and he didn't want to read too much into the situation.

"You really have a beautiful hair, Yuichiro," Y/n remarked softly as she adjusted the strands, trying to make it look neat and presentable.

Yuichiro's blush deepened at Y/n's compliment. Her words touched his heart, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness. It wasn't often that he received such direct praise, after all.

"Thank you, Y/n," he replied, his voice soft and genuine, he almost sounded like his younger twin, with his gentle tone. "I... I appreciate that."

After making sure his hair was fixed to the best of her ability, Y/n stepped back and admired her work. "There, that's better," she said with a satisfied smile, "You look great either way, with or without the ponytail."

Yuichiro glanced at the mirror nearby, and he couldn't help but blush seeing the reflection staring back at him. "Thank you," he mumbled.

"You're welcome," Y/n replied, her own smile widening at his bashful response. "I'm glad you like it. Your hair is really beautiful, just like yourself."

Yuichiro's blush deepened at her compliment, but he couldn't hide the spark of happiness in his eyes. It meant a lot to him that Y/n saw the beauty in both his appearance and his personality.

He had always been a bit self-conscious about his entire self, but her kind words helped him see himself in a new light. He was aware of the perception others had of him– that of a stoic or a cold person. It was a façade he had adopted to protect himself from getting hurt, to maintain distance, and to shield his vulnerability.

However, Y/n saw past that exterior and appreciated him for who he truly was. Her understanding and kindness allowed him to let his guard down and be his authentic self, and he cherished that more than anything.


Artist: 餅川モちこ [1hundred_mm]

Links; https://x.com/1hundred_mm


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