[Requested] ♠ Protective Bonds ♠

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Yuichiro's love and protectiveness towards his younger brother Muichiro were born out of a deep sense of responsibility and the understanding that they were all each other had left as family. Losing his arm in the process of saving his younger brother's life only strengthened his determination to keep Muichiro safe and prevent anyone from taking advantage of him.

Yuichiro's role within the demon slayer headquarters allowed him to stay close to Muichiro and keep a watchful eye on him. He made sure to establish boundaries and discourage anyone who might try to exploit or harm his younger brother. While some might view his actions as overprotective, Yuichiro's intentions were always rooted in love and concern.

On the other hand, Muichiro appreciated his brother's efforts and understood that Yuichiro's actions were driven by a genuine desire to safeguard him. He recognized the sacrifices Yuichiro had made and respected his older brother's role as his protector. Their bond grew stronger as they relied on each other for emotional support and found solace in the fact that they had each other in a world filled with danger and uncertainty.

Yuichiro was used to these, just the two of them together. While he wasn't physically battling with demons being with his younger brother was enough, always welcoming him back. The pattern was perfect, just the two of them.

However, Yuichiro's peaceful routine was disrupted when Y/n, the latest addition to the ranks of the Hashira, joined shortly after Mitsuri Kanroji. While that in itself was not a problem, what started to grate on him was Y/n's unmistakable infatuation with his younger brother.

Yuichiro couldn't help but feel a sense of annoyance and unease. While he understood that Y/n's intentions might be pure and innocent, he couldn't shake off the feeling of protectiveness and possessiveness he had towards his younger brother.

He noticed how Y/n made a conscious effort to communicate with Muichiro, talking to him every day between missions and even sometimes joining them for meals. Y/n's outgoing and friendly nature made it easy for her to blend in with the group, and everyone seemed to enjoy her presence. However, Yuichiro couldn't help but view her actions as a potential threat to the close bond he shared with Muichiro.

While Yuichiro recognized that his feelings might stem from his own insecurities and fear of losing his brother's attention, he couldn't easily dismiss them. He had spent so long protecting and shielding Muichiro from harm that the idea of someone else getting close to him made him uncomfortable; So, his tough act continues.

"Shouldn't you be focusing on your missions, Y/n?" Yuichiro asked, his frown deepened as Y/n appeared on their porch in the early morning. He couldn't help but feel a sense of irritation about her constant presence around his younger brother. His protectiveness was evident in his gaze and the slight glares he directed towards Y/n.

"No worries, I'll be on my way soon. I was just checking on Muichiro." Y/n responded to his question with a cheerful tone, not one to be deterred by Yuichiro's demeanor.

"He doesn't need your concern." He responded harshly. He made it clear that he believed Muichiro didn't require anyone else's care or attention, including Y/n's. However, despite his clear words and cold demeanor, Y/n chose to respond with a smile, undeterred by Yuichiro's apparent rejection.

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