[Requested] ♠ Rainswept Devotion ♠

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The heavy rain poured down relentlessly, each droplet collided with the ground, creating a symphony of water. The sound of raindrops hitting rooftops, leaves, and windows echoed through the air, filling the surroundings with its steady rhythm. The wind joined in, blowing forcefully through the streets, rustling trees and carrying the rain in different directions. It howled through the alleys and whistled around corners, adding an extra layer of intensity to the storm.

Amidst the raging storm, Y/n stood resolute, her determination unyielding as she continued her training. Clad in her Hashira uniform, rainwater soaked her clothes, making them cling to her body. Her grip on the wooden sword tightened as she swung it with precision and force, the sound of wood colliding with the dummy almost drowned out by the relentless downpour.

The raindrops splashed against her face, mixing with the sweat that beaded on her brow. Her hair, drenched by the cascading water, stuck to her skin, but she paid it no mind. Y/n's previous experiences of training in the rain without falling ill had instilled a sense of confidence within her. The thought of catching a cold simply didn't cross her mind, however this time she catches one.

Her stubbornness in the face of her cold were evident in her uneven breathing and blurred vision. She had pushed herself to the brink, refusing to acknowledge the toll her illness was taking on her body. However, her fellow Hashira, Muichiro, recognized the risks she was subjecting herself to and intervened.

"Y/n, come inside already. It's pouring too heavily," Muichiro called out his voice carrying a tone of authority and worry.

Y/n, though weakened and struggling to articulate her response, remained defiant. She huffed out her sentence, determined to prove her capability to continue despite her worsening condition, "It's... fine. I-I can continue."

"..." Muichiro's frown deepened as he observed Y/n's continued insistence, her resolve refusing to waver. Exasperated by her stubbornness and concerned for her well-being, he let out a sigh that mixed with the sound of the pouring rain. Without hesitation, he stepped into the heavy rain, his own figure becoming drenched as he approached her.

Closing the distance between them, Muichiro reached out and firmly grasped the hilt of Y/n's practice sword, immobilizing her movements. The strength in his grip prevented her from continuing her training, highlighting the severity of her weakened state.

"It's not fine," Muichiro stated firmly, his voice unwavering despite the harsh weather as his words held a blend of frustration and genuine care. "You can't even pull the hilt from me. Your body is telling you that it's reached its limit."

Y/n's mouth opened, ready to argue and defend her desire to continue training despite her worsening condition. However, the firm and concerned glare in Muichiro's eyes halted her words mid-sentence. It was a gaze that conveyed his genuine worry for her well-being, silently urging her to reconsider her stance; with a reluctant sigh, Y/n finally relinquished her grip on the practice sword.

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