♠ Savoring Solace ♠

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Muichirou Tokitou x Reader

You stirred your eyes, slowly opening your orbs only to be met by the blinding light. Immediately, you instinctively closed them again, your lashes fluttering against your skin. Your brows furrowed in discomfort as you made another attempt to open your eyes, determined to adjust to the brightness.

It took a few seconds for your eyes to acclimate, but the light remained an annoying reminder that it was time to get up and start your day.

You attempted to rise from the bed, but something held you back. As you turned to your side, you realized that Muichiro was there, peacefully asleep beside you. His hands were gently wrapped around your waist, his lashes brushing against his cheek as his eyes remained closed.

You made a gentle attempt to extricate yourself from Muichiro's embrace, but as soon as he felt your movement, his grip tightened around your waist, refusing to let you go. It was as if he had an instinctual sense that you were trying to leave, even in his sleep.

"Mmhpm..." His murmured response reached your ears, muffled against your chest as he pulled you even closer, his grip becoming even more secure. Your bodies were now intertwined, locked in an intimate embrace that spoke volumes of his longing for your presence.

Feeling his warmth against you, you couldn't help but melt into the moment. You ran your fingers gently through his hair, relishing in the softness of the strands as your touch soothed him.

"Mui," you whispered softly, trying to rouse him from his slumber. However, there was no response from Muichiro, instead you could feel the gentle rhythm of his breathing and the steady rise and fall of his shoulders as he remained lost in peaceful sleep.

You then attempted to sit up, hoping Muichiro would awaken, his grip tightened even further, and his brows furrowed in a sleepy protest. His response was accompanied by a groggy voice, muffled by your clothes, as he spoke your name.

"Y/n... It's still early," he murmured, his words carrying a hint of reluctance, you could feel his warm breath brushing against your skin.

You couldn't help but smile at his sleepy protest, appreciating his desire to extend the cocoon of tranquility you both shared.

Understanding his reluctance, you gently caressed his cheek, leaning in to press a tender kiss on his forehead. "I know but..." you whispered softly, "I have classes."

After a few moments of silence, Muichiro slowly opened his mint-colored orbs, casting a glance toward the digital clock resting on your drawer. You anticipated that he would release his grip upon seeing the time, but to your surprise, he held on.

"Five more minutes," he murmured, his voice filled with a sleepy longing. He nestled his head back into the comforting shelter of your chest, seeking solace in your embrace.

As you observed Muichiro's relaxed features and succumbed to the warmth of his embrace, you couldn't help but sweat drop inwardly. Despite the knowledge that time was ticking away and you couldn't afford to linger, you found it difficult to resist him.

Your own eyes remained half-lidded, indicating your own drowsiness and the urgency of the approaching responsibilities. Being aware that you were already running late, the conflict between your desire to stay and the need to get going tugged at your conscience.

But in this fleeting moment, as you felt the comfort of his presence and witnessed the peace on his face, you couldn't bring yourself to disrupt the tranquility.

With a sigh, you decided to surrender to the pull of his embrace for just a few more minutes. You accepted the consequences of your delay, recognizing that sometimes, the most valuable investment is in the intimate moments of connection and affection.

"Alright," you whispered softly, your voice filled with tenderness. Wrapping your arms around Muichiro, you drew him closer, aligning his forehead with your lips. With gentle affection, you planted a soft kiss on his forehead, a gesture of warmth and love.

A small, subtle smile graced Muichiro's lips, even in his sleepy state.

You gently brushed your fingers through his hair, a small smile playing on your lips as you gazed at Muichiro's serene face. The thought of missing a few classes seemed insignificant compared to the comfort you found.

There's no way that five minutes would be enough to savor the depth of your connection. The world outside could wait; as you made the decision, maybe just this once, you could be absent from your classes.


Artist: hoshino_mochi [天川]

Link: https://twitter.com/hoshino_mochi

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