[Requested] ♠ Navigating Trauma ♠

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Muichirou Tokitou x Reader

Muichiro and Y/n engaged in their daily sparring training, the air around them was filled with the rhythmic sounds of their wooden swords clashing against each other. The Mist Pillar's estate provided a serene backdrop for their intense practice session.

However, as Muichiro assumed a particular stance, Y/n's eyes widened with fear and anguish. The memories of her traumatic past flooded her mind, and the image of her abusive father seemed to overlap with Muichiro's figure, triggering a visceral response. Frozen in place, Y/n was unable to defend against Muichiro's attack.

With a swift and powerful strike, Muichiro's wooden sword landed on Y/n, causing her to lose her balance and fall to the ground. The impact jarred her body, and a sharp pain shot through her limbs.

Immediately realizing what had transpired, Muichiro's expression shifted from focused determination to deep concern. He swiftly dropped his wooden sword and rushed to Y/n's side, kneeling beside her.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Muichiro asked, his voice filled with worry. He gently reached out a hand, hesitating to touch her, unsure of how to comfort or help.

Y/n struggled to catch her breath; her mind still clouded with the haunting memories that had just resurfaced. Tears welled up in her eyes as she tried to comprehend what had happened. It was an unexpected trigger, a painful reminder of the past she had been trying to overcome.

"I... I'm sorry," Y/n managed to say between gasps, her voice trembling. "It's... it's not your fault."

Muichiro's concern deepened, realizing the impact his unintentional action had on Y/n. He understood that she was struggling with her own demons, and his heart ached for her pain.

Gently, Muichiro extended his hand once more, this time offering it for support. "Y/n, let me help you up. Take your time, just breathe."

Y/n nodded, accepting Muichiro's hand and allowing him to assist her in getting back on her feet. Muichiro gently guided Y/n to sit down on the porch of his estate, ensuring she was comfortable. Y/n took a sip, Muichiro observed her troubled expression, noticing the subtle signs of her distress—twitching brows and trembling hands.

His heart ached for Y/n so he knelt in front of her and spoke with a compassionate tone, "we can stop training for now, Y/n," Muichiro said softly. "Take the time you need to rest and gather yourself."

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now