[Requested] ♠ Condemned Love ♠

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The demon slayer corps embodies a formidable and awe-inspiring vocation, where individuals willingly put their lives on the line, ready to make the ultimate sacrifice in their unwavering pursuit to eradicate the formidable foes known as demons.

Everyone who was familiar with the world of demon slayers understood the inherent peril that accompanied the profession, and this understanding was no exception for Y/n. She grew up with a deep admiration for the demon slayer profession due to her father's involvement.

She understood the risks and dangers associated with the job but was inspired by her father's dedication to protecting humanity from demons. As a child, she would eagerly listen to her father's stories of his encounters with demons, even though they were meant to scare her into sleeping.

Y/n's father instilled in her a sense of duty and the importance of defending innocent lives. She saw him as a hero, willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good.

One night as she lay in bed, wrapped snugly in her blanket, her anticipation for her father's return grew. It was a routine they had developed, where she would wait for him and listen to his tales of demon slaying. But that night, something felt different.

Minutes turned into hours, and still, there was no sign of her father. Y/n's excitement slowly turned to worry, a knot forming in her stomach. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. She waited, hoping that he would come through the door any moment with a smile on his face.

Suddenly the door swung open, a flicker of relief spread across Y/n's face, thinking it was her father returning home. However, the smile quickly faded as she realized it wasn't her father standing there but her mother, tears streaming down her face. Confusion and concern took hold of Y/n's young heart as she remained in her bed, trying to make sense of the situation.

Her mother, anguish evident in her eyes, hurried to Y/n's side, dropping to her knees and enveloping her in a tender embrace. Y/n's confusion deepened, the weight of her mother's sorrow seeping into her own being.

"Mama, what's wrong?" Y/n's voice trembled, her small frame seeking comfort in her mother's arms.

Her mother's voice quivered as she spoke, her words heavy with grief. "Oh, my dear Y/n, I'm so sorry. Your father... he won't be coming home."

"When will he come back?" Y/n's innocent question pierced her mother's heart like a dagger, a painful reminder that her husband would never return.

The weight of the reality settled heavily upon her, making it difficult to find the words to respond. Silently, she held her daughter, her tears continuing to flow, their sorrow mingling in the embrace.

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