♠ Blooming Affection ♠

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The Mist Pillar, with his stoic and neutral demeanor, stood out among the other members of the Demon Corps. He was often seen deep in thought, as if he were lost in his own world, his gaze fixed upon the sky. His mind would wander, pondering the names of the drifting clouds that formed above him, a symbol of his contemplative nature.

His lack of emotional expression and detached demeanor often led others to perceive him as arrogant. This perception was further fueled by his amnesia, which created an air of mystery around him. The fact that he was a Hashira, one of the elite fighters in the Demon Corps, only added to the fear and unease that some lower-ranked members felt in his presence.

Despite his aloofness, the Mist Pillar was respected for his exceptional combat skills and unwavering dedication to protecting humanity from the demons. His enigmatic personality and powerful presence made him an intimidating figure, but those who took the time to understand him knew that his motivations were rooted in a deep sense of duty and a desire to restore his lost memories.

Y/n, the newest member of the Demon Corps, found herself intrigued by the aura of the Mist Pillar despite his stoic personality. She was curious about the enigmatic pillar and would often attempt to engage him in conversation. However, he consistently ignored her and would walk away, leaving Y/n with a bit sense of frustration.

This pattern continued for some time, with Y/n persistently trying to break through the pillar's emotional barrier, only to be met with indifference. It seemed that her efforts to connect with him were in vain, as if his mind were in a world of its own or at least, that's what she thought.

Though Muichiro was known for his neutral and detached demeanor, he had grown accustomed to Y/n's presence and the occasional conversations they had shared. Her persistence in engaging him, despite his initial indifference, had left an impression on him. He had become accustomed to her friendly and warm nature, appreciating the small gestures and conversations they had shared.

So when Y/n and Tanjiro Kamado became friends, he couldn't help but notice the close interaction between them. As he observed them conversing and sharing laughter, a visible frown creased his face. The stoic pillar found himself unexpectedly affected by the sight of their camaraderie.

Finding himself grappling with unfamiliar emotions he couldn't fully comprehend. It wasn't just limited to Y/n's interactions with Tanjiro; whenever he witnessed her engaging with others, he felt a sinking feeling in his heart. The thought of Y/n's attention being directed towards someone else began to irk him, though he couldn't pinpoint the exact reason for his annoyance.

Confusion and frustration plagued Muichiro as he tried to make sense of these emotions. His stoic and neutral nature had shielded him from such complexities in the past, leaving him unfamiliar with the nuances of human connection and attachment. The sudden stirrings of jealousy and possessiveness were foreign and disorienting to him.

He laid on the grass, his body weary from intense training. The tranquility of the surroundings enveloped him, the gentle breeze rustling the leaves above him. His eyes glazed upward, lost in a daze as he found solace in the quietude of the moment.

The sound of nature's melody soothed his senses, lulling him into a state of relaxation. His breaths became steady, matching the rhythm of the wind as it brushed against his face. Muichiro's mind drifted, thoughts dissipating into the calmness that surrounded him.

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