[Requested] ♠ Ghostly Intervention ♠

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A/N: This is just a quick one-shot about the possible reactions of Mui's family, once again requested from tumblr.


One of the remarkable aspects of families is their unwavering presence and support. Even when they are no longer with us in the physical sense, their spirit and influence continue to guide and watch over us. Many people can relate to the feeling of their loved ones' touch, even in their absence.

Well... For Muichiro's case it was quite literal.

"Their bond is adorable, isn't it?" The mother of Tokito siblings exclaimed, her hands coming together in delight as she leaned her head on them, her smile radiating warmth. She couldn't help but admire the sight of Y/n and Muichiro, their youngest child, holding hands.

"Yes, indeed. I've never seen Muichiro so genuinely happy before," the father chimed in, nodding in affirmation.

"He's finally found someone to love. Took him long enough," Yuichiro commented in his characteristic blunt manner despite that, his words were laced with affection for his brother.

"Isn't she just perfect for him?" The mother's question prompted a nod of agreement from the father. They both recognized the positive influence Y/n had on their son's happiness and overall well-being.

"Seems too good to be true," Yuichiro interjected, his tone tinged with concern and skepticism. He looked at Y/n with a hint of doubt, voicing his apprehensions about their relationship.

"Remember, we agreed not to spy on them," the father gently reminded Yuichiro, implying that they should respect their son's privacy.

"What if she's not good for Muichiro?" Yuichiro justified his worries, his gaze shifting with a subtle glare towards Y/n. The father chuckled, understanding Yuichiro's protective nature, slightly amused to see him glaring as if his disapproval could reach Y/n, because they were merely just spirits concerned for their remaining family member.

"Now, now. We should just let them be."

Yuichiro's gaze returned to the heartwarming scene before him, where Muichiro's smile reflected his newfound happiness and the absence of the pain caused by his amnesia and loneliness. The genuine joy emanating from Muichiro's smile was palpable, touching Yuichiro's heart.

However, despite the warmth of the moment, Yuichiro's expression darkened once again.

"I'll hunt you forever, even after you're dead if you break his heart," Yuichiro whispered under his breath, his fist clenching tightly and his eyes twitching with intensity. His gaze, now sharpened into a dagger glare, was directed at Y/n, as if warning her of the consequences should they hurt Muichiro.


"Wh-..." The discomfort that washed over her caused her body to tense up, and goosebumps appeared on her skin. Feeling a sudden chill in the air, she turned around, searching for any other possible source of the unsettling feeling.

However, her search revealed that no one else was present except for herself and Muichiro. Confused by her reaction, Muichiro tilted his head, his expression filled with concern as he tried to understand what had caused her discomfort.

Y/n tried to dismiss her uneasy feeling with a nervous laugh, attempting to downplay the intensity of the situation. She jokingly attributed her reaction to an irrational fear, saying, "Aha... Nothing. I just felt this strong presence that I'm going to get murdered..."

"Oh, really?" Muichiro followed Y/n's lead and scanned the surroundings, looking for any potential source of the uncomfortable sensation she had described. "I don't see anyone."

"Ahaha... Must've just been me." Y/n's attempt to brush off the situation with a sweat drop and a crooked smile didn't go unnoticed by Muichiro. He could sense that something was amiss, but he chose not to press the matter further, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

Y/n couldn't help but feel a lingering sense of scrutiny whenever she was with Muichiro. The inexplicable sensation of being watched, accompanied by a perplexing question that echoed in her mind: 'Why?? What did I do??'

Unaware of Yuichiro's presence, which seemed to defy conventional rules, Y/n remained oblivious to the fact that he would metaphorically 'hunt' her even on deathbed if she were ever to harm or jeopardize his younger brother's well-being.

'Aha. I'm in danger.'


As said in the title above; this piece is a one shot that was requested in my tumblr. If you are interested in engaging into a conversation with me, request a scene or role-play with me, you certainly can check my tumblr account; [https://www.tumblr.com/snowmist-hashira]

Muichiro Tokito does not belong to me as they are to the author of Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer) which is not also credited to me.  

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