♠ Silent Yearning ♠

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Muichirou Tokitou x Reader

Muichiro couldn't quite understand why he felt this way. He was generally indifferent towards the interactions between his fellow Hashira and the other demon slayers. But when it came to Y/n, it was different. Perhaps it was because he saw something special in her, something he couldn't quite put into words.

Every time he caught sight of Y/n conversing with others, a sense of unease would wash over him. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy, a feeling he was unfamiliar with. He wanted her attention, her smiles, her presence to be directed towards him. He wanted to be the one she spent time with, the one she greeted warmly, the one who made her happy.

Yet, at the same time, he couldn't bring himself to act upon these emotions. Muichiro was not one to express his feelings openly, especially when it came to matters of the heart.

However, the more he saw Y/n interact with others, the harder it became for Muichiro to suppress his feelings. The thought of her being happy without him brought a bittersweet ache to his heart.

Muichiro's internal struggle intensified as he grappled with his emotions. The anger and frustration he felt when Y/n didn't give him her undivided attention only added to his confusion. He questioned why he was reacting this way, why her interactions with others affected him so deeply.

His frustration stemmed from a mix of jealousy and a fear of being left behind. He didn't want to be just another person in Y/n's life. He wanted to stand out, to be someone significant to her. And when he saw her engaging with others, he couldn't help but feel overshadowed, as if he wasn't as important to her as she was to him.

"Mui, what are you doing?" Muichiro's heart skipped a beat as he heard Y/n's voice calling him by his nickname. It was a name he cherished, one that he allowed only her to use. Yet, even in this moment, he couldn't shake off the mixed emotions swirling within him.

He looked up at Y/n, his gaze meeting hers briefly before he averted his eyes again. His response was curt, unable to find the right words to express his turmoil. "Nothing," he repeated, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy.

Muichiro wished that Y/n could see through his facade, that she could perceive the depth of his emotions. He longed for her to understand the significance of his actions and the significance she held in his life.

His lack of clarity about his emotions added to the confusion. He didn't fully grasp that what he was experiencing was jealousy and longing, as he hadn't encountered such emotions before. The conflicting nature of his feelings left him uncertain of how to proceed.

Muichiro felt a sudden rush as Y/n took hold of his hand, urging him to follow her to their usual spot for cloud gazing. His confusion momentarily subsided as he allowed himself to be led by her, feeling the warmth of her touch.

As they reached their spot, Y/n turned to him with that radiant smile he longed to see. The butterflies in his stomach fluttered with a mixture of joy and apprehension, "I'm sure you're just tired from your duties, let's relax for now!"

He sat down beside Y/n, who was gazing up at the expansive sky above. The clouds drifted lazily overhead, painting intricate patterns across the blue canvas. He let the calmness of the scene wash over him, momentarily pushing aside his conflicted feelings.

Muichiro gazed at Y/n's serene and gentle expression, his eyes traced every delicate line and contour of her face. He found himself captivated by the beauty that radiated from her features. Her eyes, like pools of tranquility, held a depth that drew him in, and her smile, so genuine and warm, brought a sense of comfort to his heart.

It was as if the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them and the vast expanse of the open sky. Muichiro couldn't help but be entranced by Y/n's presence, his heart swelling with a mix of emotions.

He found himself wanting to protect that smile, to be the one who could bring it forth effortlessly. The desire to be the source of her happiness grew stronger within him, his gaze remained fixated on Y/n, committing every detail to memory. He wanted to etch this moment into his mind, to carry it with him even when they were apart.

He hoped that one day, he would find the courage to express the depth of his feelings, to show Y/n just how much she meant to him.

Muichiro couldn't help but let his hopes rise within him, even though he tried to temper his expectations. Y/n's pure heart and genuine kindness had always been apparent to him, and he found himself yearning for a connection that went beyond friendship. He longed for something more intimate, a bond that was born out of love.

In his heart, Muichiro wished that Y/n's actions and the warmth she showed were indeed signs of something deeper. He yearned for her to see him in the same light, to feel a connection that surpassed the boundaries of friendship.

Before he could fully admit and express his love for Y/n, he needed to understand it himself, to sort through the complexities within his own heart.

In the meantime, he resolved to keep his love to himself, cherishing it as a precious secret.


Artist: まび

Links; https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/78403108



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