♠ Feline (Part 2) ♠

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A/N: Yep. This one too exceed. But instead of breaking it into a third one, I have condensed it all into this one chapter instead of splitting it into a third one. Might be PG-13 content~ Read at your own risk. 


"Y-Y/n, I think that's enough teasing for today," he stammered, attempting to maintain his composure. He gently pushed her back to create some distance between them, feeling a little flustered.

Y/n's mischievous side was triggered by Muichiro's flustered reaction, causing her to playfully grin. She teased him by poking his cheeks and asking, "Are you feeling embarrassed, Mui~?" She found his flustered state to be adorable and couldn't resist reacting that way.

Despite his protests, Muichiro's flushed face betrayed his true feelings. Y/n's teasing had clearly gotten to him, and he struggled to regain his composure. "You're just being silly," he tried to insist, but the words lacked conviction.

Y/n teased Muichiro further by cupping his cheeks to make him face her. She had a smirk on her face as she noticed the bright blush on his cheeks. She could feel the warmth of his skin as well and exclaimed, "But you are!"

As Y/N continued to hold his face, Muichiro's face became even more flushed. Despite his protests, Y/N could tell that he was embarrassed. "I know you're embarrassed, Mui," Y/N said teasingly, smirking at the sight of his bright red face. She could feel the warmth emanating from his cheeks.

"I-I'm not embarrassed," However, Muichiro continued to deny it and repeated that Y/N was just being silly. Y/N could sense that he was panicking internally, even though he was trying to hide it.

Y/n chuckled and continued to tease Mui, not believing his denial. She held his chin and pulled him even closer, tilting her head with a mischievous smirk. There was a glint of dominance in her eyes that sparked.

She was clearly enjoying this moment too much.

As Y/N pulled Muichiro closer, he couldn't help but feel his heart racing. His cheeks grew even redder as he struggled to maintain eye contact with her. "I-I... I'm not," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. But even as he spoke, he knew he was lying to himself. Y/N's proximity was making him feel all sorts of things he had never felt before.

Y/n continued to hold Muichiro's chin and maintain eye contact, she could sense his nervousness and feel his heart racing. "Are you sure about that, Mui?" she asked with a sly smile, knowing full well that he was lying to himself. She could see the desire and vulnerability in his eyes, and it only made her want to tease him even more.

Y/N's mischievous side only grew stronger as Muichiro continued to deny his embarrassment. She moved even closer, lifting his chin and exhaling warm air onto his neck. Muichiro's face grew even redder and he felt increasingly flustered by Y/N's teasing. He tried to break eye contact, but Y/N's grip on his chin prevented him from doing so.

"I...I am not embarrassed," he stuttered, trying to sound convincing but failing miserably.

Y/N found Muichiro's reaction amusing and chuckled as she whispered to him, her breath gently brushing against his neck. She then asked him if he was certain, prompting him to finally give in and admit, while laughing softly, that he was indeed embarrassed.

(One-shots) Tokito Twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now