[Requested] ♠ Altered Appearance ♠

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Muichirou Tokitou x Reader

The soft sunlight filtered through the leaves of the surrounding trees, creating a dance of shadows on the ground. It was the perfect setting for a slow and relaxing day. Y/n sat on the porch of the mist estate, a gentle breeze brushed against her skin, carrying the scent of blooming flowers from the garden.

Y/n let out a contented sigh, feeling the tension of her usual responsibilities slowly melt away. Today, she wasn't burdened by any pressing tasks or urgent matters to attend to. Instead, she could simply be in the moment, savoring the peacefulness and tranquility that enveloped her.

Just then she heard the familiar caw of Ginko, Muichiro's crow. Turning towards the direction of the sound, she anticipated seeing the mist pillar, but what she saw left her utterly surprised. There stood Muichiro, his familiar figure now sporting a significant change. The once long, flowing black-to-mint hair that she had come to recognize so well was now cut short, reaching his shoulders. Her astonishment was evident on her face as she tried to process the unexpected sight before her.

Her initial smile faltered, and her mouth hung slightly open in disbelief. For a moment, she couldn't find the right words, her mind trying to catch up with the unexpected sight before her. She blinked rapidly, as if hoping that her eyes were playing tricks on her, but the reality of the situation remained unchanged.

Finally finding her voice, Y/n managed to speak, "Muichiro, your hair... Did you cut it??"

"Mhm, I had to cut it while I was fighting a demon," he explained. Y/n continued blinking, trying to get accustomed to his new look. After all, it had always been his signature look.

"Do... Do you not like it?" His question was tinged with genuine concern as he looked up at Y/n, trying to gauge her reaction, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious about her response.

Y/n quickly shook her head, snapping out of her momentary trance. "No, no, it's not that," she reassured him, a hint of embarrassment in her voice. "It's just... I'm not used to it yet. But that doesn't mean I don't like it. You still look great, Muichiro."

Her words seemed to bring a sense of relief to him, and he nodded with a small smile on his lips. "I'm glad to hear that," he added, his voice hinting a bit of disappointment, "though, you can't brush it anymore like before."

"It's okay," Y/n replied reassuringly, "I can still comb your hair even with that length." She reached out and gently ran her fingers through his shorter hair.

"I do have to admit," Muichiro said, "that it feels a lot lighter without all that long hair. It's a bit freeing."

"I can imagine," Y/n replied, softly chuckling.

"Do you think I should grow my hair out again, or should I keep it at this length?" Muichiro inquired, gazing at Y/n as she gently combed through his hair, her touch bringing a sense of comfort and relaxation.

"It's up to you, Muichiro," Y/n replied softly, her fingers continuing to comb through his hair. "Both styles suit you. If you liked having longer hair before, you could let it grow again. But if you find this length more manageable or comfortable, then keeping it like this is perfectly fine."

He considered her words, closing his eyes briefly to savor the feeling of her touch. "I'll think about it," he said, a small smile tugging at his lips.


Artist: 砂糖🐾原稿🔥[na_sanSS63] [砂糖]

Links; https://twitter.com/na_sanSS63


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