[Requested] ♠ Melodic Reverie ♠

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Muichiro continued walking with his usual emotionless expression, but his footsteps came to a halt as he caught the sound of soothing music reaching his ears. His head turned instinctively, seeking the source of the melodic tune.

He approached Y/n's estate, he couldn't help but be captivated by the enchanting sight of the wisteria vines gracefully cascading towards the ground. Its gentle descent seemed to match the serene notes of the music he had heard earlier, creating a tranquil atmosphere that drew him in.

The mist pillar continued his steps, his usually emotionless expression softening as he took in the beauty surrounding him. The sound of the music grew louder as he neared the source, and he found himself being pulled closer, almost as if the melody itself was beckoning him.

Curiosity piqued, Muichiro approached the room where the sound of the piano was emanating from. The soft notes flowed through the air, intertwining with the delicate presence of the wisteria. As he peered into the room, he laid eyes on a piano for the first time, its elegant form and black and white keys captivating his attention.

Y/n was skillfully playing it, her fingers gracefully dancing across the keys, producing the enchanting melody that had drawn Muichiro to this place, the way she played seemed effortless.

Y/n continued to play the piano, her graceful movements mirrored the delicate and intricate nature of the music as her fingers danced across the keys, effortlessly producing each note with precision and skill, her body swaying in rhythm with the melody, displaying a deep connection to the music that transcended words. Muichiro remained in the doorway, captivated by the sight before him.

As if attuned to Muichiro's lingering presence, Y/n suddenly turned towards him, bringing both of them to a sudden halt. Muichiro blinked, momentarily caught off guard. He hadn't expected to be noticed, especially since he had been observing from a distance without making his presence known.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there." With a soft chuckle, Y/n broke the silence, apologizing for not acknowledging him earlier.

"It's fine..." He trailed off, "What's that?" He asked, curiosity was piqued as he observed the piano, his gaze focused on the intricate details of the instrument. He took a few steps closer, his eyes scanning the keys, the wooden body, and the overall construction of the piano.

"Piano. Never seen one?" Y/n's question prompted him to shake his head slightly, indicating that he had never encountered it before.

"No, I've never seen one," Muichiro admitted, his tone reflecting his genuine curiosity.

Y/n smiled, "Want to try?"

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